I Keep Part 2- Kamisama Kiss

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"Welcome home, Nanami-Sama, Jin-San, and Lady Areum."

"Where's Tomoe?" Nanami questions.

"He is currently preparing dinner."

"I'll just go shower then," I yawn.
Now out of the shower I see our food all set and prepared.
"Your cooking is great Tomoe-San but you should let us cook every so often," Areum comments.
"He's fine cooking for us," Nanami answers as she digs in picking at the shiitake mushrooms.
"Where did you get that mark?" Tomoe questions glaring at my arm.
"I picked up a snake at school," I shrug.

Back to eating

"That's a special mark for a snake."

"How so?" Areum questions.

"To be specific, that is the mark of the betrothed."

Choking on her food Nanami pats Areum's back. "Betroth?" I question to which he nods.

"Do you mind explaining how you got to be so friendly with a snake at school?"

-Next Day-

"So your engaged to a snake?"
"She doesn't even know what engaged means."
"Is it something important?"
"For crying outloud, you three cause nothing but trouble."
"You still care for us as family either way so does it matter big brother?"
"Don't call me that."
"To bad big brother has such a snarky attitude."

Now in class the girls practically drool over him as he sits beside Nanami to ensure she doesn't get taken. Sure he's keeping an eye on me but he wants to ensure her safety first.

He loves her

I can tell from his eyes their the same as Nanami's. Something I was taught by Areum. Feeling daggers in my skull I do my best to ignore Tomoe.

Finally time flew by and I failed especially with all of my efforts to ignore Tomoe as Areum spoke of math problems that sounded like a whole language on its own.

"And that's how you solve for sigma notation," Areum speaks up."Do you need anymore help?"
"N-No I think I can solve the rest on my own," I reply uncertain but determined. Nodding Areum pats my head which I swat away.
"Well I'm going to finish the rest of the Logs with Nanami. Don't hesitate to look for help okay?" Areum leaves with that.

Staring back down at the numbers and greek letter I gulp. After what felt like two hours I finish my work."Done."
Stuff put away in my red messenger bag I stare out the window. I couldn't help but smile as it rain outside. I look around me to see if anyone were around only to see that the coast is clear with that I lay my bag to the side so I can jump in the rain.


"Eh? Oh uh hi, " I pause to look up at the tall stranger in front of me.
He wore a full black school uniform with an umbrella hiding his face.

"Good day. Nice weather, isn't it?" He questions as he squats down with a hand out for me to take.
"Mhm," I nod looking at his hand.


"Hey want a centipede?"

"I don't eat centipedes," I yawn awake.

Wait this isn't right.
Who are these people?

Hearing footsteps I turn to look at my kidnapper.

"Good morning, Jin-San. Thank you for rescuing me at your school the other day."

"No way your the pretty snake I wanted to keep," I look at him wide eyed."Why did you bring me here?"
I wonder if all animals can shift into people.

"My name is Mizuki. I am the familiar of this shrine. Your shrine. I've waited so long for you," he bows in respect.
He wore traditional attire. His hair white and eyes green just as beautiful as the serpent I saved.


"In order for you to become my familiar don't you have to sign a contract or something?" I question confused.
"You have to kiss the familiar in order to seal it," one of the tiny spirits answer.
"Did you kiss me?" I look up at him wide eyed."Wait no never mind. Don't answer that." Shaking my head I stand up."Do you mind if I walk around?"

"Of course this is your home after all," Mizuki smiles.

"On second thought I need to shower first. Do you have any clothes for me to wear?"

After a long shower and trouble dressing I'm ready to go.

I need to find a way out of here, but I'm a helpless case with my mind as it is

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I need to find a way out of here, but I'm a helpless case with my mind as it is.

"Is something a matter Lady Jin?" Mizuki questions.
Shaking my head I give him a smile.
"Show me around please I'll get lost if I'm on my own," I sigh standing up.

~3rd POV~

(At Mizukami shrine)

"We need to find Jin."
"Pacing back and forth will not help."
"Neither is cleaning."

Broken vase vs Tomoe

Tomoe 1

"Calm down you two we'll find her."
"Of course we will. She needs her okaasan after all and no one will get in the way of family."

(Now back at Yonomori Shrine)

"I thought mortals sleep," One of the spirits speak up.
"I'm an insomniac," the burgundy lady answers.
"What's that?" The other spirit questions.

"Someone who has trouble sleeping."

"You should rest Lady Jin," Mizuki states as Jin slides the door open to her room expecting a time to escape only to see him still not asleep.
"I don't sleep often it's a medical condition that renders me restless," she answers taking a seat next to him. "I have a few questions for you."

"We have time," he smiles ahead.

"You said that you've been waiting for my return but I've never met you before. Atleast I don't think we have. My memory isn't the best but I know that we've never met before. So who have you been waiting for?" she questions him.

"My previous master. I was waiting for her. You don't look like her, but you have the mark of the water god so I will settle for your company and am glad to."

"Mark? I'm a water god?"

He nods."I'm sorry I took you so sudden but once I found you I was just so ...." His voice cracks with an all to familiar expression.

"You were alone it's okay, but kidnapping me wasn't a good idea and I understand you fairly well. I used to be alone until I met Areum. She practically adopted me and then on the way she taught me a few things I never expected to need."

Looking down at her Mizuki watches her yawn and with a sleepy smile she looks up at his clueless expression.
"You're a very pretty snake Mizuki, but I can't marry you nor can I allow you to be my familiar. I barely know you and I don't even know who I am. Just a name, but my face. I feel like it's not my own. I feel trapped .....," looking at the said tree of attention she sighs then shake the thoughts away. "Can you tell me about that tree?"

Bittersweet MisadventuresKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat