Source of Reason Part 5

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"Banana guards arrest her!" PB glares at me.
"Mind lowering your voice PB?" I raise a brow.
"You have some gum gums to set foot on my kingdom," PB approaches me jabbing a finger at me.
"Careful you'll wake my kids," I look down at the bear in my arms.
"You .... You kept them. How did you get the brain and heart to work?" PB questions her anger gone as she now stood shock.

"Jellied soda brain and licorice Heart," I shrug.
".... Of course gelatin mixture with the soda. The liquid would foam up, but if you continue stirring. You're a bandit genius!" PB shakes me.

My children now awake glare at her with the claws out as if to say do it again and I'll claw your eyes out.
"Retractable rock candy claws," PB stares at them amaze.
"It's okay. Yuhm. Mai. She didn't mean to wake you up she just got a little excited like when May first discovered the anemolions," I try to calm them.
The two give her one last glare before heading back to sleep.

"They haven't slept much so they're very unhappy with the loudness of course being stuck in sea we're all to familiar with it," Ye whispers smiling down at Yuhm in her arms.
"You should rest. Peppermint butler take her to the sea tower," PB looks over at Pep.
"Surely. Right this way," Peppermint bows leading the way.
"See you guys later I guess," I shrug.

Now in my 'tower' I see mini replicas of anemolions and an old sketch of my gummy bears design.
"Hey Peps could you burn those designs for me?" I question sitting at the corner of my bed.
"Of course .... Everyone misses you," Peps says.
"And by everyone you mean PB and Marcie," I sigh placing my gummy bears on the bed.

"They kept it all clean and left all as it was. Though we didn't think you'd ever come back," Peps takes a purple box out from underneath my bed.
"Thanks for keeping it safe," I yawn resting as Yuhm rest in my arms and Mai hogging the pillows.
"No problem," Peps leaves with the designs.

3rd POV
"We need to find out how she's stayed so young for so long. There's no way she's thirteen still. I waited plus five years so I'm eighteen which makes her nineteen," Areum sighs.
"I thought she was immortal," Marcie shrugs.
"She still would have aged some until she reaches eighteen," PB frowns.
"Then we'll ask her," Areum states simply.

As the females spoke amongst themselves leaving the two heroes baffled try their hardest to understand.

Areum POV
Pacing back and forth I sigh.
She has been gone for a lot longer than me.

Does she even have a sea kingdom anymore?

A sudden weight on my shoulder causes me to leap.
"Areum come on we should leave now," Marcie crosses her arms.
"Not leaving without Jun," I shake my head.
"Fine we'll just wake her up!" Finn shouts waving his arms about.
"Peps lead the way!" Jake shouts as well.


Running there they barge in to see the tower empty with a purple box open.
An empty orange juice carton on the ground with a weird happy face beside it.
"Glob it where is she?!?" PB shouts.
"We'll fine her PB," Marcie tries to calm her.
"Did she really just leave me again?" I raise a brow crossing my arms.
No she hates orange juice.
She'd never drink it unless she were really sick.


"Princess the candy kingdom is under attack!"

"Who's the wiz bear?" The two question staring at me.
"Sea demon actually," I withdraw my sword."Touch my kids again and I'll break your arms."
"You couldn't protect your kingdom so what makes you figure you can protect them?" One of the demons smirk.

"Your facts need to be check. I destroyed my kingdom. My people were planning an attack on the surface world and I couldn't bare that to happen," I say as I lift my sword.
The wrapping interwine them in cage like prisons.
"Mai. Yuhm. We need to find a way home now," I yawn as they walk on either side of me.

"Ye-Jun I heard you were back in the world. How was your travels?"

"Stop wasting my time Son of Hun I'm busy. Send me back," I cross my arms.
"Weird looking bears they look delicious," Hunson stares at them.
Mai being the elder of the two shown her claws.

"Wo," Hunson backs away.

"I made them. You hurt them. We hurt you. Now what is so important that you had demons bring me here?"

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