Chapter 83

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Lauren's Pov:

"She's asleep." I nod my head to Normani, allowing Dinah to wrap her arms around me. "We need to have this conversation now." I nod my head, wiping away some stray tears.

"Okay," I take a moment to lick my lips and swallow some water so my voice is less raspy, "god, I jus wanna hear her voice again." Dinah squeezes my shoulders as she pulls me closer.

"We all do sweetie." I take a deep breath and nod my head.

"Right... well, the videos you showed us gave a lot of different ways to get someone into their headspace."

"She is a little. We know that for a fact right?" Normani and Dinah nod their heads.

"I texted Jylie last night and she confirmed it."

"Oooookay so what is the best way to get, Y/n specifically, into her headspace?" Normani shrugs at Ally's question.

"Not completely sure, but Jylie said something about just giving her the toys and treatment and she sometimes just goes into her space." I stitch my eyebrows together.

"Wait so like get more binkies and bibs?"

"Yes! But use them daily and use others like bring her shopping for a stuffed animal, get her a crib, feed he-"

"Well we're already kind of doing that," Dinah chuckles at her thought.

"Jylie says to keep her away from all devices especially the TV because she'll want to watch movies that won't help her and if all that plus our treatment doesn't work then we have to do plan B, which they never used and are not sure it will work."

"What is that."

"Something called... Dinah what was that medication I told you to look up? It was a 'water pill' as I recall the article you showed me said." All eyes turn to Dinah who looks at her phone confused. Her face contorts and readjusts as she figures out what Normani is talking about.

"No clue."

"Dinah!" Dinah pulls out her phone with the confused look still on her face.

"Oh!" We all hush her. "Sorry," she puts her hand to her mouth while her other hand scrolls through her phone. "Aqua-Ban was the name of the weird pill that makes you pee." Ally and I both look with confused expressions at Normani who is going through her phone.

"Wait..." I shift my gaze from Normani who looks up quickly to Dinah and then Ally. "We're gunna..." my eyebrows pinch together trying to puzzle it together. "How badly will she have to pee?"

"Jylie says it's enough to make anyone lose control of their blaster."

"Oh... what better way to go back into a child like headspace than with a very much needed diaper." I nod to Ally. "That's evil."

"That's why it's plan B and it's only being used to get her in a more controlled state so she doesn't hurt herself." Ally leans back on the couch with her hand on her chest.

"Please lord, forgive us for our sins we are about to partake in." I suppress my laughter knowing we all have our ways of understanding and coming to terms with things.

"So what do we need," I pull out my sketchbook and turn to a new page.

"We have about 15 minutes before we get to the store. We'll need someone here to watch Y/n while the other three will divvy up the needed things and be quick."

"Water-pill and diape-"

"Shouldn't we wait on those things."

"As much as I don't want to waste the money, it's better to have and not need than need and not have. Plus if we have another situation like today I don't want to have to wait to help her." Ally nods.

"Okay, so water-pills and diapers."


"Do you think she will ever not wear our baggy clothing?"

"She will once she's in her head space."

"Good point, hopefully, but make sure some are looser than others. We all know she hates tight clothes." I smile at Ally and how she knew exactly what I was going to say.

"Agreed on that."

"Got it," I scribble quickly down on the page, making sure to put little boxes next to each item. "More binkies?"

"Yup. Princess designed would be best."

"Do we know where those bibs are?"

"A few yes, we should be fine with those."

"Do you think we have enough kids blankets here?" I raise my eyebrows at Dinah.

"She is currently wrapped in like three of them so I think so."

"Okay but what about the crib?" Normani leans forward on her cushion of the couch.

"I was thinking one of those things they put on beds so kids don't fall off, but like put it on her bunk." Her hands come off my legs and brandish the imaginary barrier. "It would be unlock-able from both sides with a key or something."

"Why both sides?"

"Well, were still going to sleep in there with her aren't we?"

"Will she need us in there even in her headspace." Mani nods her head while she thinks.

"Good point. So lock on the outside." I quickly jot it down and begin to sketch what she was describing.

"What about for in here?" I wave my hand to the room we're sitting in keeping my head on the sketch in my sketchbook.

"Ummm, a playpen?"

"We'll need more kids movies."

"Some basic kid toys?"

"A few more sippy cups would be good too." I pause the doodle and scribble to keep up with them then back to a small doodle on the side of the page.

"Booster seat or no?"

"Good question. Well... car seat or no?" There is a pause while I'm assuming they are all thinking it over.

"Better to have and not need than need and not have." I nod to Dinah, smiling.

"Okay," I add the car seat and booster then return to the sketch "That's a lot guys."

"She'll also need kids clothes."

"Oh! That'll be fun to dress her up!" I roll my eyes at Dinah and Ally's excitement, feeling a small pressure on my bottom lip.

"Anything else?"

"No, but if there's anything in the store not on the list that looks helpful, we should get it."

"Agreed" we all say at the same time.

"Hey girls." I look up to see Ryan peeking through the curtain of the back room. "We're here."

"Thanks Ry" "Thank you Ryan." "Thanks! We'll be right out." I turn my attention back to the girls listening for his footsteps to fade away.

"Okay but one question, how are we going to get her out of the headspace? And will it get easier to get her in her headspace after a while? Do we have guidelines on when she should be in her headspace and not?"

"I... think that was like four question Laur." I roll my eyes aggressively at Dinah and nudge the Polynesian softly.

"It's three actually," I mumble as I shift in my seat and return to the sketch.

"Damn Laur, I could hear that eye roll." I laugh as she fakes her hurt.

"The article that Jylie sent me had some good guidelines and Jylie, Kardel or Halle may have some ideas on getting her out of it." My hand rakes through my hair while I let out a breath.

"So who is staying with Y/n?"

Drawing Hope In Progress (5H/you)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin