Chapter 31: Rules

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Ally's pov:

Y/n looks at us with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Rules for what?" Her voice squeaked, worry plastered on her face. She is so cute.

I sit down next to her and rub her back, looking at our friends to start. She leans on me while looking at the others.

"Okay well, Rule #1 there will always be someone with you at all times. You will have someone snuggling with you when you sleep. When you go to the bathroom there will be someone right outside the door. The door will not be locked. When you take a shower there will be someone in the bathroom making sure you are okay." Y/n looks at her wrists, she probably thinks we don't trust her.

"Hey sweetie, your okay. We trust you, these are just precautions to keep you safe." She nods her head keeping her eyes on her wrists.

"Rule #2, you will be going to bed at 8:30 every night." I see her eyebrows furrow in confusion but she only nodded her head.

"Rule #3, you will eat 3 meals a day with us, and have snacks whenever you are hungry or we wish for you to eat. No excuses." I watch as the color drains from her face, a tear falling down her cheek. "It's okay, your okay.. we got you honey." I whisper it to her trying to relax her. I continue rubbing her back, lightly humming Let It All Go by Birdy.

The rest of them pause and sit down around Y/n, each putting a hand on her to try to relax her. Lauren sat right behind Y/n on the cushioned seat and pulled her into her lap.

"Okay.. Rule #4 you will do what you are told and what is asked of you." Y/n nods at Kardel's voice.

"Rule #5, be honest with us. Okay honey? Please remember that we care about you and love you no matter what." Lauren hugs and squeezes Y/n softly. "I love you bug.. we all do." Y/n smiles softly and looks down at her bandaged wrists again to hide her cute blush.

"We're going to warn you now. We've all been talking and believe that creating a headspace for you to take you away from your troubles will help you get better. So when we're in the privacy of hotel rooms, the tourbus, our break home, etc you'll be in your headspace. When we're in public you will act normal. Okay."

Y/n looked around confused. Only when she made eye contact with Jylie did she seem to understand. Friend goals.. don't even need to talk, they get each other. She bites her lip and looks at all of us nodding.

"Hokay Y/nn, let's get outta here and get some ice cream." Y/n's face lights up at the sound of ice cream. Her smile is so cute!

Lauren gets up still hugging Y/n. She tries to reach the ground but Lauren is a few inches taller than herself, so she just dangles. I hold onto Y/n's hand as we start to make our way down the white wash hallways.

Drawing Hope In Progress (5H/you)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora