Chapter 75

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Ally's pov:

I wrap my arms around her small torso to bring her closer to me. The blankets are wrapped around us, only slight shuffling as the girls try to get comfy in the small fort we created in the back of the bus.

She still has not woken up from when she passed out on the car ride back to the bus so decided we all wanted to sleep and snuggle her.  So we made a big pillow and blanket sleeping back err.. fort thingy to all snuggle in. All of our legs are tangled together as we all get as close as possible for warmth and comfort.

I play with Y/n's hair as she moves in her sleep and ends up with her head resting in the crook of my neck. I can feel the anxiety coming from all of us as we wait to see how she acts when she wakes up, but there is nothing we can do but sleep and hope she is okay.

I lightly hum a tuneless tune as I drift off to sleep. My eyes becoming heavy as I try to fight it and protect Y/n while she sleeps. I pull her closer in a hug as I feel Lauren do the same to me from behind, I smile softly to Normani as both our eyes begin to close, the warmth of the girls making me feel happy and whole.

I finally let a fitful sleep overtake me as my mind hums from all the necessities we must do to help Y/n as best we can. Currently, as we are sleeping, Ryan is hiding all the drawings we had done moons ago, seeing as this is as good a time as ever.

It always brings a sour mood to me when I see the stack of the drawings hidden by Ryan's chair. It always reminds me of the man and his rough nature towards our angel. How miserable she was and how we had to temporarily abandon the plan to make sure she is okay. Now her mental state could be really bad and we realize what we need is the little things. She needs to see them and hopefully, it won't remind her of before the studio incident, but instead the simple-ness our happiness yields.

I am woken up sometime later by whimpering, quickly opening my eyes to find Y/n squirming in her sleep. I pull her closer to me so she feels the warmth of my body as I try to calm her down. Normani wakes up moments later and joins me in trying to comfort the still sleeping child. I feel my chest dampens as silent tears stream down her face. I can honestly say I've never seen anyone cry in their sleep.

Her breathing comes out raspy as she continues to whimper, attempting to thrash around. I pull her and Normani closer to me and all at once I feel the rapid beating of Y/n's heart. I notice the cold sweat that has dampened her skin. Whatever she is dreaming about has been scaring her far longer than a normal nightmare.

I look at Normani and try to signal to her to ask if we should wake her. I'm taken out of concentration as my heart breaks from a wail let loose from Y/n's lips. I decide to take it into my hands to wake her up and hopefully calm her down.

"Hey Y/nn... honey... Y/nn wake-up." Normani joined in, and after a few more minutes of waking her and comforting her sleeping form, her eyes slowly open. She looks shattered and broken as she curls up further into me and tries to hide her sobs, but they were heart-wrenching.

I pull her closer and try to whisper sweet nothings to her in a hopeful act to calm her down. Normani has moved ever so closer and is rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her down as well. As far as I can tell, Dinah and Lauren are still asleep as we continue to shush and soothe the little one.

I signal to Normani to reach up and grab the binki that is on the couch, which after much decoding she understands and gladly grabs.
She wraps her arms around Y/n and plops it into her mouth. Y/n immediately latched in and begins suckling. I feel her heartbeat slow down and gradually her breathing does as well. I start to hum a tuneless tune once more until the sweet blackness of sleep overtakes me once more.

We as a group also decided to stick with the rules we have and try to push her headspace for extreme moments of depression or anxiety since it is more a form of escapism rather than coping. And since we've been able to keep her away from meeting new people, which may totally freak her out, we've decided to continue to keep this as private as possible so that we can get the best recovery rate for her.

Though we really are not sure of what the next coming days are going to bring, we are all together. We know that if we work together and give her a ton of love she will eventually get through this, but we know this is going to be rough.

I have personally prayed for her at least half a dozen times hoping to help make sure we can me her happy like she deserves to be. The only thing we can do now is to wait and see just how she will react to this new emotional break she has experienced.

As of her hands, it will be a few days of wrapping and unwrapping, ointment, and icing. But will not be a long process if everything goes well. We will start to have her take the pill starting tomorrow morning to try and make that a regular part of our everyday. And make sure to the best of our abilities that she is happy and healthy.

I find sleep in a place filled with love and hope as the night air hangs delicately around the bus. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a good day for her.

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