Chapter 32

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Y/n's pov:

I curiously look around trying to find comfort in our surroundings while Lauren sways me back and forth in her arms.


Everything is alien around me. There's white.. maybe some grey.. the walls are white. Ceiling.. white. Floor... white. The square curtains blocking the windows into rooms... white. The lights on the ceiling are of a sickly yellow white pastel color. "Hey baby girl you gotta breath."


I come back to the moment as Dinah holds my hand in hers for comfort. I see everyone looking at me worriedly as they walk.

"Sorry." I whispered it quietly.. man I hate hospitals.

"Can I hold her pleeeaaase!!" I don't even have time to look before I'm put in Normani's arms. She cradles me in her arms and hugs me close. Haha these girls love hugs. "Don't be sorry cutie.. we understand it's hard and confusing. We get that you don't like hospitals.. that's why we're leaving." I nod in understanding as she continues to walk.

Jylie grabs my hand and kisses it lightly. She's so cute, always caring. I look at my bandaged wrists and remember what happened today.. what I put these beautiful people through.

(You are a selfish idiot)

The voices return.. they're back.. I thought I helped them enough.. I thought I did enough.

(Look what you made these angelic people do?! They've wasted their whole day to take care of you... a piece of shit)

"I... I'm sorry." My voice raspy as my eyes filled with tears. I hide my face in Normani's shoulder.

I feel her stop and try to look at my face. "Nugget.. what's wrong?" I just shake my head, keeping my face hidden.

"Mani.. is she crying?"
"What's going on?"
"Y/nn talk to us.. please."

I take a deep breathe remembering one of the rules. I lift my head up and Normani looks at me. I keep my eyes down. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.. a few tears escaping.

"Nononono don't cry sweetie.. tell us what's going through your mind." I look down and play with the strings on her sweatshirt, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"T..the voices.."

Next thing I know I'm gasping for breathe as I'm squeezed in a big group hug.

"We're here for you beautiful." "We love you." "Talk to us." "You are so amazing." "You are enough." "Relax." "Breathe with me baby."

They're interrupted by a phone ringing, someone leaves the hug and I hear Dinah's voice."

"Hello?... Oh hey Si... ya were with Y/n.. ummm nothing.. Okay.. ya we'll be right there.. okay.. bye." Everyone turns and looks at Dinah.

She looks up innocently and starts walking then pauses when I guess she realizes no one is following. She turns and looks at us like we have a screw loose.. pretty sure we have the same looks on our faces.

"What did Si say?" Lauren asks.

Dinah looks at Lauren confused then a bulb goes off in her mind.

"Oh ya, he said that there's an emergency meeting at the studio, and Si would like to talk to Y/n." Why would he want to talk to me?

(He realizes your a big distraction... he's gunna put you where you belong)

"Okay let's go."

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