Salem x reader

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 (Y/n) pov:

I was walking over to the so called witch's house. When I came closer I saw that the house was being overrun by bunches of plant life. I carried around a basket having some plushies laying inside it as well as some food. My job was to sell these plushies so far so good but that also means visiting the more weird places. Climbing up the small hill I gently knocked on the door, I could hear light footsteps come close to the door until a noise of a lock being unlatch could be here. The door soon opens relieving a young looking woman but the thing that threw me off was her really white skin and her black eyes with red pupils. Building up all my courage I tried to speak. 

"Hello there, am sorry to intrude but would you like to buy a gift?" Raising the basket up I pulled out one plush that resembled a beowolf its eyes made out of buttons and the fear carefully sewed together. The witch just stared at the plushie in my hand before a smile came across her face.

 "How lovely I will take one." But the lady didn't move instead she disappeared in the house for a moment. Standing there awkwardly I peered in the house inside looked normal not as run down as the outside. But the lady came back having a tray of biscuits of some sorts in hand. 

"I do not have money but please take these." Her smile was enchanting how people called her such thing as a witch was unknowing as the features she has just made her stand out. "Gladly." Taking some of the biscuits I put them inside the basket before handing her the beowolf plushie. She reached out to grab it, but grabbed a hold of my hand leaning down giving it a pec while taking the plush. 

"Thank you, kind lady, what is your name?" 

"(y-Y/n) yours?" 

"Salem, and please come over anytime you want. A traveler like you deserves a lot better place to sleep." With that she gave me another warm smile and a wave goodbye. Salem than shut the door leaving me alone shocked and flustered.

(Am sorry this one is really short, and kinda rushed)

Fem RWBY x Reader Yuri OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now