Winter x Witch reader pt 2

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Author's note:

This chapter might be a little stupid sorry am not the best at writing. Also I been writing this at different times so I might have mixed things up please forgive me for that.

(Y/n) pov:

Grabbing a smoke bomb from a cabinets I raised my arm up ready to through it.

"Am sorry." The shaking of the doorknob stopped as I bashed the bomb to the ground. I covered my mouth hopefully not breathing in any of the smoke as I walked towards the door, and there was Winter helplessly coughing as the smoke flew all around her. Grabbing her by the waist I dragged pulled her close to mess I went into my bedroom laying her down on it her hair spreading along side the bed. Her cough continued her voice sounding dry as she tried to speak. Getting up from the bed I cleaned the room of smoke as I went to get water for the schnee. Grabbing a wooden cup and filling it up I rushed back to the room only spilling a bit on the way.

"Here take this." Handing her the water she took a spit coughing one last time before taking another sip.I smiled as I looked at her her face was all flushed but not for the reason am wanting but its still cute. Letting out a light chuckle I sat on the bed hugging her.

"Am sorry but you can't leave just yet." There was a quiet growl coming form above me when I looked up I saw Winters teeth showing and her hand raised. Before I could react she slap me on top of my head leaving a mark.

"Why can't I leave?" She interrogated scouting away from me as I let go of her to tend the bump now forming on my head.

"Like I said before I can't let you leave but thats for personal reasons also you don't want me to be lonely. Do you?"

"Why don't you keep the other people that have gone missing by you." I looked up at her the blue eyes once again glaring at me.

"You don't haft to be so mad I mean it's not like your family gonna care much."I spoke playing with my (h/l) (H/c) locks I leaned closer to her, This seemed to surprise her a bit.

"How do you know about my family I thought you didn't know me." I laugh a bit before patting Winters head.

"Do you really think I wouldn't know a schnee especially one that is famous in the atlas military." I took out the card from before from my pocket showing it to her. She tried to reach out and grab it but I caught her wrist pulling her forward kissing her lips. Her face calmed down a bit as I felt her lips kissing back. I gripped onto her hand harder as I lowered it down to her lap. I leaned in closer towards her casing the both of us to fall back onto the bed, this caused Winter to let out a quick squirming around a bit. I removed my hand from her wrist and threw the card somewhere in the room, then started stroking her hair once more before pulling away. The schnee was in a panting fit trying to recover lost air as I watched her face fluff more pink on her pale skin.

"Your a great kisser for a schnee." I laughed as I committed on her which only caused her to show more shades of red.

"You witch."

"Name calling and here I am thought you have change for a moment." Sarcasm littered in my face as I placed a hand over my chest acting offended. She just shook her head before leaning back towards me for another kiss, accepting it leaned to her wrapping my arms around her while another went there the sickly white hair. This time she pulled away before looking back at me. She pushed me back on with me sitting on her lap while she had her eyes closed taking in big breaths.

"Will you please stay with"

"I feel like I have no other choose." Winter put an arm around me lifting me up closer to her. I could hear her heartbeat as I laid my head against her chest. Her heartbeat was calming as well as her chest slowly being raised and lowering again in a smooth rhythm. Winters hands stroked my hair then she started to speak.

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