Blake x dog faunus reader

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Authors note:

I feel like I wrote this one badly so sorry about that. This was requested by 

"Why did I haft to come." I grumbled as the rest of my team walked ahead of me.

"Because we're a team and we need to spend time with each other." The scythe wielder committed as she proudly walks ahead of the rest.Grumbling one more time I just followed them I couldn't even grab something to entertain me. I sighed as we continue walking people and faunus crowded the streets as we made our way deeper into the town. I looked down at the ground watching my feet go back and forth on the pavement below. After awhile I looked at where we were going as it felt like the walk was a lot longer than usual. Only a few more minutes till we reach the middle of vale. Then I looked at the people who roamed the streets. But that's when I saw her.

"(Y/n)." whispering to myself as I stopped for a moment as I looked at her. The rest of team RWBY stopped and this caught (Y/n) attention, her little dog ears perked up and she turned around instantly her face beamed with joy. Looking around frantically I looked for a escape. 'Ahh yes my team!' I ducked down behind Yang as I tried to protect myself. But that didn't help as I got tackled down by the doggo faunus.


(Y/n) pov:

I tackled down Blake from behind the girl with long blonde hair.

"Hissssssss!" I gripped onto her tighter the more she struggled.

"Ahhh its so good to see you again!" She frantically right to escape but to no avail.

"Uhh Blake who is she." I looked up to see that blonde pointing at me, so I got off of Blake and helping her up but she pulled away right when she was up.

"*sigh* this is (y/n) someone who was with me while I was in the White Fang." Blake spoke whispering the last part, the three girls nodded as Blake finished her little talk. I looked at the three girls there was blondie, girl with the red cape, and a princess of some sort.

"So who are these people?"

"The one with blonde hair is Yang, The one with the red cape is Ruby or the leader of our team, and then there's Weiss."

"Hey!" I giggled at the reaction from Weiss but then turned over to Blake.

" Blake! If your talking about leaders then that means you go to Beacon! Will you please show me it." I practically yelled grabbing the little cat faunus shoulder as I begged.

"Sure but Ruby needs to finish getting her ammo for her weapon then we can all return to Beacon." Fist bumping the air I let out a small giggle as my ears stayed up.


Blake pov:

We finally made it back to Beacon with (Y/n) now joining us.

"Wooow this place looks amazing." the dog faunus eyes basically sparked the closer we got to the building as she walked next to me. Ruby opened the door to our dorm room and one by one we entered, and we all went to our beds and (Y/n) sat next to me.

"These rooms are a lot better then what we were given back then." she whispered in my ear and letting out a small giggle truly adorable. I nodded to her as I remember some moments we had back then, we would always tear up items and run around the little given space.

"Yo guys look at this." Yang spoke, she lowered her scroll showing that there will be no more ships going to back vale due to the extreme weather.

"But wasn't it all sunny just a few minutes ago?" Weiss question she was right there wasn't a cloud in the sky,, then I looked out the window to see dark gray clouds covering anything above it.

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