Pyrrha x Grimm reader part 2

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I am so sorry this took so long, please forgive me. 

(Y/n) POV:

Slowly I open my eyes trying to adjust to the beaming light of the sun. Looking around I see that am in a cabin of some short lying down on bad. I see that my arm is wrapped up in white bandes, I hear footsteps getting closer to the door quickly sitting up turning away from the door. The door opens revealing Nora and Ren. "Few we thought you were dead!" Nora literally shouts making Ren glance at her. "What happened?"
"Well we don't know everything but Pyrrha called for us and when we got there we just say you limp in Pyrrha's arms and she just kept telling us to help. SO we just brought you to the nearest inns in the town and yah." Nora walked up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder with her usual goofy smile. "Oh, sorry to worry you guys." I felt bad for making everybody worry kinda. "Well if you don't mind i would like to rest and please tell Pyrrha that am fine if she still is worrying about me." forcing a smile the bite did still kinda hurt. "OKAY will do!" she waved goodbye and left with Ren closing the door leaving me in silence. I felt my head and it was beaming hot I should've ask for some medicine eh to late now." Laying down resting my head on the fluffy pillow trying to fall asleep.

Pyrrha's POV:

I was pacing back and forth near (Y/n)'s room waiting for Nora and Ren to finish their visit. "It's just a bite there's no way it can kill her right? But what if she does. This is all my fault am the one who spoke the monster but why didn't she have her aura up. Gah!" As I was too deep in mind to even pay attention to my surroundings I bumped into Nora. "Oh I'm sorry." I should've been paying more attention. "So is (Y/n) alright?" "Ya she is doing just fine. By the way why are you all red?" "Well the weather here sure is a change compared to Beacon's heh." Nora just looked at me stagely before accepting it and walked off. "Now to vist (Y/n)" I took one long breath before opening the door. When I walked in I saw her lying there sleeping. I walked up to her trying not to wake her up, I looked down to see her sleeping so peacefully pushing back some of her hair so I could see her better. The sun was lighting up her face just right, I really wish this moment can last forever. I sat piled up a chair and sat next to her bed petting her hair slightly. "If only I could tell her how I felt, I bet she hates me I mean she does run away whenever i get close to her." I lend over and slowly fell asleep my problems slowly going away.

(Y/n) POV:
I woke up by feeling a jolt of pain run through me. I jolted awake just to be greeted by a presences near me. The shattered moon faintly lit up the room, as I began to regain focus I realized that it was Pyrrha lying down next to be fully close to where my face was. Blushing slightly I slowly got up hoping not to wake her up. The jolt of pain shot through me again witnessing as I held hand. 'By does this bite hurt so much, where did my aura all go?' Suddenly I felt some of my bones pop making a slight cracking sound. "AHH-" My cry slightly echoed throughout the room quickly covering my mouth, I looked back to sleep Pyrrha shifting in her sleep and slowly getting up rubbing her eyes. She then looked at me with sleepish eyes before widen them. "(Y/n) shouldn't you be in bed?" her face was being illuminated as she got up and walked up to me. The pain went through my body again I tried my best not to show pain but failed miserably as I saw her expression change from a warm sheepish smile to a concerned look. "Are you feeling okay?" I smiled nervously and nodded hopping she could see the pain that I felt. "If there's something wrong you can just tell me. Don't keep it to yourself I can help." Pyrrha grabbed both my hands gently rubbing them, I blushed slightly glad that it was dark enough for her not to see. She looked up at me giving me her all known smile. "I-I." The bone crackling happened again more painful, my mind not thinking straight as I jerked my hands away slightly scratching her check. She gasp as I looked at her horrified taking a few steps back "I- a-am sorry." tears started to filled as I she her beautiful face now ruined by me. 'Why did I do that.' Pyrrha put her hand over the cut as some blood gushed out. I walked backwards towards the door reaching for the door. Running out of the cabin that I was in towards the forest. Filled with Grimm. At night. I ran till I was low of stamina breathing heavily, leaning against a tree as my bones shift in places making unsettling sounds. My mind is mixed with emotions from pain from my body and sadness from hurting the only person that I loved. Suddenly am surrounded by black smoke unable to see anything only a bit of myself, seeing a snout grow from my face and my vision having a red tint. All I could feel is my body being ripped apart and stretched.

Pyrrha POV:

I put my hand over the cut as I felt blood run down my cheek. Shook took over as I was unable to speak. I heard a door slam snapping me out of my thoughts, (Y/n) not there anymore. "(Y/n) Wait!" Opening the door looking around seeing the front door wide open. "WHAT IS GOING ON!" Nora opened the door with a pillow in hand blocking my way. "There's something wrong with (Y/n)." "WAIT What happen to your face?!" " There's no time for me to explain I need to find (Y/n)." Nora moved slightly out of the way, using my semblance I got my weapon and shield. I looked around seeing if I can find any tracks. The night was silent only a few chirps of insects run through the night. Then I heard a faint scream from the forest, birds scattering giving me an idea of where to look. 'Please be okay (Y/n)." I ran towards the direction of the sound seeing if there was any grimm in the area. Going through a few tall bushes getting my clothing a little dirty. When I reached the end all was a Beowolf. 'No.... nononono. This can't be.' Watching the Grimm looked around sniffing the air, then it turn towards me looking straight into my eyes. I got my weapon ready glaring at the 'monster' in front of me. Then the 'monster' did something I would never expect it whimpered and backed away slowly. 'It's just playing tricks. This Grimm is a smart one almost like it can feel emotions but everyone knows there just heartless creatures.' Taking a few steps forward ready to strike an attack.

3rd person:

(Y/n) looked around as the smoke around her disappeared relieving her surroundings. She was scared and worried as her height has changed looking down she sees fluffy black paws with razor sharp claws. Terrier engulfs (Y/n) as she feels her body realizing the change from a normal human girl to a grimm. 'This can't be, why does this have to happen to me. I can't live like this what if someone finds me and a-and." A cold shiver went down her spain taking a huge breath of air then a rustle of bushes caught her attention. When she looked over horror took over there stood Pyrrha with her weapon and shield in hand standing there with an expression of shock. Untill she got her weapon ready to attack, (Y/n) back up slightly whimpering staring at Pyrrha's weapon while she took a few steps forward. Then a sudden change happen (Y/n) was slowly losing control the only thing she can think of was hate, pain, sorrow, and death. Instead of backing away she charged forward tackling down Pyrrha. While down Pyrrha used her shield to block the attack that came from the grimm but the attack was to strong ripping the shield from pyrrha's arm and across the ground. The Grimm was about to land another hit. Pyrrha holding up her sword up to block the attack, Before the attack hit (Y/n) came to her senses back and stopped her attack midway backing off Pyrrha as she ran off deeper into the woods questioning what just happen. This leaf Pyrrha there on the ground bewildered as she lowered her weapon and grabbed her shield dusting off some of the dirt. (Y/n) ran off a little ways getting tied from all that has happened today. She hoped there was a good distance between her and Pyrrha so she curled up in a ball near a tree falling asleep.

Pyrrha's POV again:

What just happened there that grimm had a perfect shot. I ran towards the direction where the monster ran off to. While walking around I heard a soft sigh around the corner. I slowly approached the sound peeking over a tree I see the Grimm from before sleeping in a small ball against a tree. Trying not to wake it up I got close to it, ' I could just kill it here but something's telling me not to.' As I looked at the beast softly breath showing off its fluffy black fur, tempting me to pet it. I reached out my hand petting the fluffy fur the beowolf leaned against my hand as I pet its ears. Scratching behind its ear it started kicking the ground lightly slightly waking it up. As it did I backed away slightly while it looked at me almost giving me puppy eyes. It got up laying down next to me while laying its head in my lamp, I pet the grimms head as it closes it eyes my eyes doing the same as I took in this moment. 'Theses no way all Grimm are like this.... Wait I forgot about (Y/n). She could be hurt or something or, did this grimm kill her. Gosh there's too many possibilities.' Once I snapped out of my thoughts I saw to grimm looking at me with puppy eyes. Petting it again the grimm seams to relax then it started to lick my hand. The sunlight slightly peaked from the trees casting a relaxing zone, due to the lack of sleep I cuddled up around the grimms head and slowly passing out.

-Timeskip brought to you by a smol beowolf chasing its tail-

I woke up to no sign of a puffy breast, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I looked down to see... (Y/n)? But she's.. Blushing madly I covered my eyes and turned away the best I can. (Y/n) had her head in my lap sleeping oh so peacefully. I turned back trying to focusing on her face oh how she sleeps so beautifully. Brushing some of her hair out of her face to get a better look. Then my body betrayed me from this moment I sneezed kinda loud but not too loud to cause a commotion. (Y/n) woke up looking at me "good morning." she turned away shifting slightly. My face was so red it would put Ruby's cape tp shame. So I just sat there covering my face slowly dying inside. 'If only I was in my normal battle uniform I could help cover herself up *squeal*' "Pyrrha what's wrong?" (Y/n) shifted looking into my green eyes. I pointed at her body when she looked down she squealed and tried to cover herself with the same color face as mine. "Oh my Oum am so sorry." She slowly lost her english as she mumbled to herself witch was basically unaudiable.

(Y/n) POV:

I don't know what to feel my mind is just having mixed emotions as I kept rambling to myself. Then Pyrrha did something I didn't expect, she hugged me then I heard her slightly whine then sob quietly. "P-please never do that again (Y/n)." "Am sorry Pyrrha I don't know what came over me." I hugged her back feeling pain of guilt went over me as patted her back. Pyrrha pulled back realising the hug her face stained with tears and her eyes slightly red. She wiped away her remaining tears then signed. I didn't want to think of any negative ideas so I did what my mind thought was right. Leaning towards her I kissed her hoping not to get slapped or rejected. INstead of getting hit Pyrrha kissed back, the world around me seemed to disappear as the kiss seem to last hours. I was running low of oxygen so we both pulled away just staring into each other's eyes. "That w-was wonderful." I said giving her a smile as I blushed again. "We should probably head back I bet Nora and Ren are wondering where we are." "But what about me i'm kinda not suitable for a meeting." "hmm we can possibly sneak into your window and get some clothes there. But for now just take my shirt cover what you think is more necessary." Onced she got her shirt off I took it tiring it around me. "Off we go."

Timeskip brought to you by Pyrrha and (Y/n) sneaking back

3rd person POV:

ONce they got there the window like Pyrrha expected was wide open so they went up to it. Pyrrha helped (Y/n) up first trying not to look up while doing so. Then (Y/n) helped her up once they were both in there they locked the door and (Y/n) went through the bag filled with her stuff and grabbed some clothes. She took off Pyrrha's shirt and handed it back. "Sorry that I caused you so much trouble." "It's fine, just once we settle in a bit tell me what happened." "You got it even though I don't really know what was going on." (Y/n) finished putting her clothes on as Pyrrha turned away giving the girl some privacy. Once she finished they went out the door to see Nora and Ren sitting at the table with a map of the area spread out across them. "So we could maybe split up you cover this area and I will get this one." "Nora I bet you that there fine. Jaune and (Y/n) teams are still on patrol so they'll be fine." Ren shocked his head and sighed. " Hello everyone" Pyrrha greeted while holding (Y/n)'s hand behind he while walking into the room. "Why have you been once you left last night we thought you would only be gone for a couple of minutes instead you were gone all morning. What happened!" Nora jumped up standing right in front of Pyrrha with her hands up in the air. "It's a long story."

Once at the table (Y/n) described everything that happened or what she knowed last night to Pyrrha. Thankfully Pyrrha accepted and believe of what happened. (Y/n) hope this cures of some short won't happen again because feeling you body being torn apart isn't the best feeling.

Authors note: Once again I am sorry for making you gals wait so long. Also please tell me if I made any mistakes I kinda wrote this mainly at night. 

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