Weiss x flirty reader (modern au)

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 Authors note: I tried my best, there was little info I could use for modern au. This was request by @Hungrywolf214 I hope I did this right. Also don't mind the image I kinda just picked the first thing I found. 

Weiss POV:

Today was like any other day, it's always the same in the beginning and I might as well make it part of my life. I will always go to the same cafe with the same people behind the counter with the occasional newcomers. The sun was shining bright as I made my way there. When I got close to the cafe I could already see the girl, who always there always beating me here first. As I walked in I hear the doorbell ring above me, then going to the counter.

"Hello there Weiss, the usual am assuming."

" Yep." I grabbed my wallet ready to pay for the drink before a hand stopped me .

" Hey there Snow Angel, don't worry I will pay." I looked at her feeling a small irritation build up, but this happens every day so might as well let her pay, I have tried stopping her before but she will always find a way to win. The girl behind the counter left talking to the other staff members, so I walked to my usual table with the girl following behind me, once we got to the table we sat across each other.

"Didn't I tell you before I can pay for myself (Y/n)" She just smirked looking into my blue eyes.

"How could I let a pretty girl like you waste your money on some plain old coffee." She gave me a small smirk as I sighed from her constant talking.

"Weiss your coffee is ready." I got out of my seat going back to the counter grabbing the drink and heading back. As I drink my coffee I gave a few glances at (Y/n) who was just sitting there staring at me wearing a oddly kind smile. She is never this quiet, and I never asked her to, she must be planning something.

"What are you doing." This seems to snap her off guard as she jumped a little.

"You being quiet and you usually never shut your mouth." that possibly came out as I little threat.

"What am I constantly supposed to talk." A small smirk grew on her face.

"Aww am I finally rubbing off on you. How adorable." I scoffed at her comment instead drinking more of my coffee trying to ignore her constant squeals.

"I shouldn't have even spoke up." I whispered hoping she wouldn't hear.

"I would blame your coffee for your action, your usually all cold hearted it's the boffe thats warming you up." The area around me seem to darken as I stared at her kinda lost of my words.

" Don't say such childish things." She just rolled her eyes before leaning back into her seat.

"What even you say Snowflake."

"Stop calling me that." slamming my coffee on the table making some of the objects on it move.

"I will if you date me." I was dumbfounded just looking at her, my mind didn't really want to register the entire sentence.

" There's no way am gonna do that." Her expression saddened as she whimpered a little.

"Oh come on please just one and I won't bother you again snow angel." While she said that she was leaning over the table, at this point her entire body was on it. I looked around the cafe to she some eyes staring at us making me feel pressure building up on me, there was nothing I could do but say yes unless I will get shamed from the people here possibly.

" Fine, but please don't pick a horrible place." Right when I said that her face beamed with joy. It was actually kinda adorable innocent like, wait a minute did I just. I covered my face realizing what I just said in my head blushing at the thought. Am I really falling for her, but I must not show it unless she will pester me about it throughout the date.

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