Chapter 57- stuck

Start from the beginning

"I-I'm sorry..." I mutter quietly in between sobs.

        "I want you to know that you didn't do anything wrong, alright?" She says soothingly, pulling away to look me in the eye. "But you can't lash out at your father like that. He genuinely wants the best for you."

        I sigh and don't nod, but continue listening.

       "You have many good points in this whole argument, and he should really try to be a more accepting father to you, but he is right about some things."

       "I'm not seeing that part at the moment." I mutter.

       "I'd love to have you close to home, but if you're really just staying for family and friends, you should rethink..." She says softly. My heart sinks. I thought she was with me on this one.

       "I want you to make a decision you won't regret, whatever that may be. Whatever university feels right to you, you should attend. But just remember, before you became close to Jungkook, even Hoseok wasn't holding you back."

       "That's not true." I say defensively. "It's the time. I didn't realize how desperately I wanted to stay in Seoul until the time of leaving came close. I'm scared, mom. And look, we're in the capital of South Korea. Big things happen here. I already live in an opportunity center, why should I leave?"

        She closes her eyes and sighs. It seems that everyone is just so stressed out with me. "What's so wrong about feeling attached? That's what makes us human." I say quietly, hoping she'll understand me.

        She simply pats my shoulder. "You're the smartest person know. You'll figure everything out." She kisses my forehead before walking out of my room, shutting the door softly behind her.

        Well that was a productive conversation. My situation is still exactly the same, but at least I figured out one thing.

       Everyone is tired of my bullshit, so I'll need to decide on my own. I don't need acceptance from my parents, and I don't need my friends in the way. I just need to decide things for myself.

        I flop backward on my bed and laugh. For myself, when have I done anything for myself...



"The fuck is wrong with you?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed in a confused concern, as I watch Ji-won giggle hysterically in her bed. Laying there all alone, staring at the ceiling, laughing like a crackhead while tears stream down her cheeks.

She flinches when she hears me, tries to pull a serious face, but obviously can't help it, because her grin comes back almost instantly and she starts wheezing again.

"No wonder your mom called me over." I mutter, walking over and sitting on her bed. Mrs. Song had called and told me it was best for Ji-won to have some company right now, after a rough conversation with her father, as she put it. I rushed over here without further question.

"Hobi," She says, chuckling more softly now and regaining her breath. "I was just thinking about everything, and it's hilarious, really. I can't believe it took me so long." She explains.

        "Are you feeling okay?" I ask, leaning over and touching her forehead.

       She shooed my hand away and sat up, a smile dancing on her lips. "I'm fine. I just finally made a decision, and I feel pretty good about myself."

       My eyes widened. "A decision?? On your own? Did I hear you correctly?"

      "Mhm." She says, sighing in a relieved way.

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