Chapter 28 - They didn't make it...

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James then tried calling Dr Jacobs again, to inform him of Aurora's arrival so that Dr Jacobs can meet him at the emergency doors. But James was unaware that the reason Dr Jacobs was not answering, was because he was already rushing Stephano into the operating room 1, because he was already unconscious, due to the mass of blood he had already lost and for the doctor no one else mattered or was as important to him as Mr Romano, his boss, which is why he removed his cell phone and switched it off. The doctor knew what his job was to do, something the CAPOREGIME/EL CAPITAL, one of the boss's main men, had discussed with him months ago. Unknowing to the doctor that the boss himself had NOT given this order and have no idea what the doctor was about to do.

On the other hand, James didn't question nor think about the fact that the doctor might be busy, instead he left a text message because he knew that no matter Aurora's condition, he could only drop her off and leave her in the capable hands of their family doctor, while he gets his boss's wife and kids to safety. He knew she was going to fight him on it but he knew he had to follow protocol no matter what, even if it meant sedating her because right now his only priority would be to protect the Donna and future heir of the family and that's exactly what his going to do.

Meanwhile at the beach, In less than half an hour two Eurocopters arrived, paramedics came rushing to the scene, one shouting through the radio, "Priority 5!", letting the emergency unit know that there's mass casualty. Giovanni made sure that the first three to be taken in the first EC is Melody, Justin and Dante as the chopper itself can only take a maximum of three stretchers. The second chopper took Dimitri and Jayden. Giovanni made sure to get everyone the medical attention they needed before he too took off with the family's chopper, knowing the girls were safe with Elijah and Francesco, and that the beach parameter was taken care of by Nate himself.

Nate is the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as well as an associate for the Romano famiglia. He takes care of the FBI field agents, FBI special agents, CSI operatives and agents, as well as other law enforcement agencies that are associated with the family as well as all the legal issues involving the mafia world where the FBI intelligence division gets involved, which handles criminal, Cyber, counterterrorism and counterintelligence activities. Nate takes care of anything and everything that involves the law, which makes him irreplaceable and the top associate of the Italian American Mafia, known as The Romano family. He is a close friend of the two brothers as well as the rest of the top rank men in the family but knows all too well to keep a close but yet big enough distance from the family but his own family are under the protection of the Romano famiglia.

As soon as the first chopper landed, there was already doctors and nurses awaiting their arrival, one the paramedics started shouting in code the first three patience condition. For Melody he shouted Priority 1, meaning dead on arrival, and for both Dante and Justin, he shouted, Priority 2 which means emergency. Two stretches was wheeled to the operating room 2 and 3, while the other was wheeled straight to the morgue. Meanwhile the second Eurocopter arrived on the roof that had both Dimitri and Jayden on, again another paramedic shouted for Priority 2, which meant they too were wheeled into operating room 4.

Giovanni landed on the hospital roof minutes after the second Eurocopter landed. He rushed down the stairs, instead of waiting for the elevator that was busy descending. He ran as fast as he could down the stairs and straight into the emergency department, demanding to see Dr Jacobs since he knew his brother and best friend Stephano was indeed brought in by his men. Giovanni was informed that Stephano had been shot twice in the back and that he was unconscious when he arrived at the hospital and that he had lost a lot of blood. Giovanni cried as he stood in front of the operating room 1, waiting for news because Paul had told him just minutes ago that the boss did not look good and Giovanni was petrified as he, Paul, Chris and Sam waited to hear news on the boss.

Taming Aurora Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora