35 : always been you

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always been you

weeks passed and the incident, heart breaking moment that happened hunts you every night. those memories and words kept on flashing back no matter where you go and what you do. the way how the other people made fun of you for being a fool and let yourself believe that someone like him would literally like you, you're embarrassed and filled with regrets because of your mistake. he is your mistake.

how could you make yourself believe that two years with him would actually be taken serious by someone who only knows how to play every girl's heart who's into him. him including his friends took advantage of your feelings for him. you knew this would happen but every time you thought of leaving him like he could sense it, he would do something sweet or something you couldn't resist because he knows how weak you are when it comes to him and it was your mistake that you let it all happened in your life that the pain was getting worse as the day goes by.

he never loved you, y/n. are you seriously that dumb?

other comments that you received kept rushing in your mind all at once that made you fell down on your knees and cry it all out. you're somehow satisfied now that school is over and you won't be hearing anything about it anymore. it's nothing new ever since he broke up with you when you have the rights to leave him at the first place but you just couldn't, you love him. you wholeheartedly do and it sounds better if he acted like he loved you, it will somehow help you get over him because you knew for sure you were attracted to him for years and it needs to come to an end. you finally experienced what it felt like to be his girlfriend but in a worse way- it's fine. everything is going to be better as long as you accept that it's all over. just acceptance. the fact that he's no longer yours and all of it was just a joke, only for him though because you and him both knew that you never faked any of it. he knows it, he felt it.

"y/n?" hearing a muffled voice suddenly stopped your thoughts and became nervous for hearing your name being called by someone you can't tell who it was. slowly walking towards the door and wait for that person to talk again, you grabbed the doorknob but remained it placed against it.

"it's me, taehyung." you sighed in relief and opened the door right away, leaving a space for him to get in. he remained standing in front of you with wide eyes and you just realized that your eyelids felt heavy and your cheeks are stained with tears. quickly wiping the evidence of you crying which he already caught, he went inside and held both of your wrist.

"i'm really sorry for what my friend did." staring on his eyes that showed nothing else but pity, you sighed and nodded once before letting your wrists go that's held by his grip. he followed you all the way to the living room, you let him sat on the couch and even told him to make himself feel at home while you go to the kitchen to get some water.

"do you want anything?" you looked behind your back but you're too late to realize that he's already with you and his hands are placed inside his pockets.

"no, i'm fine but about that, i want to ask you if you're willing to go with me at Lisa's party tonight."

"it's her birthday, remember?" you placed the glass on the table and nodded once, not even looking at him since he would be only seeing pain and madness, it's easy to tell. with how she lied for the reason she didn't want you to get hurt, those two are mixing whether you wanted to forgive her with what she did. deep down in you heart, you do realize that she's still your friend after all. she was too scared to tell you the truth that's why she hid it for herself, she was too scared to hurt you because she knows how much you loved jimin for years and it's now what you're comprehending even more, you do understand her side.

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