23 : too late

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too late

lights off, heart's beating too fast, you can't deny the fact that you're still not over him.

it was like you were surrounded with people, screaming and yelling right in your ears, specifically about negative stuffs that sent you over the edge and your head felt like it's going to explode.

you changed.

this wasn't you before you met your ex, jimin. you felt loved and everything, he made you feel like you're his world.

but you were wrong, you were only an object for him to play and just leave easily when he wanted to.

all you wanted was someone who would be there for you when you feel like nobody wants you around, but you guess jimin wasn't that someone. he turned out to be the person you never thought he would be.

you remembered everything. memories flooded your mind just like how your eyes flooded with tears.

behind those smiles and words were a bitter lie and that heart of his was filled with fake love.

the both of you had, for him it was only a joke. you took it seriously because you thought he would.

you were just a fool to him. another ex of his.

you blamed yourself for letting him in to your life so easily that he left you right away when you were completely and deeply in love with him.

he knew you were an easy target.

you just wished it was easy for you to forget about everything just like how easy it was for him to leave you.

but that was years ago. you left the country and flew to another one to start your new life. rejection was your thing ever since that incident happened.

people would say you were choosy but that's only for your sake. you don't want anybody to hurt you easily just like what your ex did. you just wanted to love when you feel like you're ready to. but you just weren't.

fingers making a contact with the keyboard was a pleasant thing to hear for you while you do your work, it helps you relax your mind while you were typing what's on the paper. the phone started ringing, you answered it.

you know what's the purpose of the woman in the counter called you. after using the elevator and went closer to them, they had a smile on their faces and you know what's up.

"thank you." you forced a smile and went back to the elevator with a bouquet of roses in your arm. your boss gave you that.

yes, he's gentleman, intelligent, responsible, the bonus would be his looks but you just don't like him.

he's willing to wait. the answer he'd always say when you say no to him. five more floors then you're on your destination when it stopped. the door sliding open, a man with a brown hair and in a black suit went inside with you.

you couldn't tell what he looks like because of the shades he's wearing but he smells really good and has a pointed nose and jawline.

13th floor, it opened and you were surprised that he also went out. eyes were all on you even when you're already sitting down, they're still teasing you.

"our boss will get mad if he caught us not working." you shushed them, your finger placed in the middle of your lips.

"he wouldn't mind if you're having fun."

"look you're blushing." it was getting louder and you can't even deny it anymore because even you were surprised that you're blushing when you don't even like the person they're teasing with you. what if you're starting to like him? or maybe not.

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