30 : redamancy

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it was field trip of your school and you were having fun since your close friends also attended.

you finally glanced to the person you've known for years, he always seemed to have your heart.

he gave you a questioning look that made you shook your head. he broke the eye contact to check his phone.

suddenly, your heart felt a sting when you saw his lock screen.

maybe he wasn't over with her yet because every time he finds someone new, he'd tell you about it and think that they're the one.

but the thing was, he's the one who always ended up getting hurt.

you sighed. if it was you, then he wouldn't be hurting anymore. not even for once.

staring outside the mirror, everything for you was hard to take. he's loving you in a way that you don't like but just like what harry said, a little love is better than none.

"don't you wanna confess to him?" taehyung asked while you were helping him unpack his things.

"nope." you popped the p and namjoon came in the room to invite you two to have lunch.

people having their own conversation while eating a good food, jimin still looked unhappy. you don't know if he's nervous or broken.

it was all written on his face and he haven't touched his food yet.

you observed him for a while until he got a message that made him storm out the room. the boys looked shocked and confused.

"what's wrong with him?" jin asked which made you sigh and stand up from your seat to follow him.

when you did, you saw tears running down his face.

even if he's happy with someone else, you can accept that even your heart couldn't.

but seeing him with tears and heart broken? it's something your heart couldn't.

his pain was your pain, his happiness was also your happiness.

he was your world.

when his eyes darted on you, he ran up to you and hugged you so tight as you felt his tears on your shoulder.

you get his phone on his pocket and lifted it up to see what's the reason.

i'm sorry jimin. but i'm not coming back.

another pain was what your heart felt when you heard him sob. you put it back where you got it from and tried not to let the tears fall out from your eyelids.

he looks at you like you're his one call away, the person he could ran up to when something goes wrong.

while he looks at her like she was his missing piece.

it should be you. the one he's talking about to his friends, the one he's taking out and protects from everything, the reason why he couldn't sleep at night.

someone that he missed so much that he's barely breathing,

how you wished it was already you.

but your difference from all the girls he had was, hurting him was something you wouldn't and couldn't ever do.

because the person you're hugging right now was your everything.

he doesn't have any idea how much you love and adore him. how you wanted him to feel what does it feel like to be loved the same way he always love like it's not going to run out.

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