19 : truth or dare

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truth or dare

i left the house for some reason and that's because my friend asked me to go on a party with her. since i have nothing to do in our house, i decided why not leave to have some fun. my dad won't answer any of my calls so i asked our driver to bring me to him. he's probably having a board meeting with a superior just like him.

workers greeted me as soon as i entered the building, my fingers ran through the buttons as i search for the number fifteen. the floor that my father might be in.

the huge wooden door greeted me, a worker passing by. she stopped when she saw me, bowing quickly before greeting me with a smile on her face.

"is my dad inside?" she's hugging a folder, nodding with my question.

"he's having a meeting with mr. park," i gave her a smile before letting her leave. i slowly opened the door, the conversation started to fade away until it was completely gone as soon as i went in. surprisingly, my mom wasn't there. a wide smile formed on his lips, the two men sitting on his right side has their eyes following me.

"this is my daughter, y/n." he introduced me to them as i gave them a smile. my eyes almost never left the man sitting next to mr. park who obviously looks like his son.

leaving some of the buttons of his silk black top which teasingly exposed his toned chest was enough to make me bite my lip at the sight. i tried to act normal and forget the fact that he's here because i couldn't focus with how sexy he was without even doing anything.

i'm standing weirdly beside my dad while he introduced me to his two guests. finally getting his name, park jimin. it perfectly fits him. just from his name, you can tell that he's hot when he actually is.

"where's mom?" trying to sound innocent like i wasn't even paying attention to the son of the superior.

"at the mall, shopping like the both of you always do." my eyebrows knotted.

"i actually thought you're with her that's why i'm surprised you're here," he chuckled and glanced at mr. park who drank the glass filled with red wine.

"anyway, i'm going out with my friend. you're not answering my calls that's why i came here." even though i wanted to stay because i just couldn't get enough of how attractive jimin is, i have to before he thinks that i'm drooling over him. when my dad let me leave the room and i was about to take a step, someone got a message. we glanced at jimin who's now reading a text.

surprisingly, he stood up from his seat and put his phone inside his pocket. i decided to walk away, my hand reached the huge carved metal handle and finally heard his voice.

"dad, i have to leave already. namjoon invited me over at his house," with that i left the room and pressed the button with the arrow pointing down.

i patiently waited, half surprised that he's now standing beside me and was also waiting for the elevator to open.

"so jimin, huh?" seconds after, i finally spoke and got the chance to look closely at him. he looked at me, letting go of his plump lips that he just pulled in before looking at me. i licked my lips and looked away, my cheeks burning in embarassment.

when we reached the basement, the cute guy earlier turned into a hottie. the way he walked on his way to his car looks undeniably hot and i literally can't take my eyes off him. i bit my bottom lip and didn't even noticed he looked back.

imagines || PJMحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن