8 : rumours

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this is the first day i've been avoiding jimin and it starts to annoy him.

"y/n," he called me by my name which is unusual. still doing the dishes, i ignored him. i heard him groaned, footsteps being louder as closer it gets. arms being wrapped around my waist with his chin resting on my shoulder.

good thing, there's nothing left on the sink and with that, i wiped my hands with a towel. removing his arms around my waist, he just stood there feeling pissed off and broken because of what i did. taking a nice warm bath is the last thing i'd do for this day before going to sleep. enjoying the warmness of the water inside the bathtub, i heard the door being shut. it was jimin fully clothed, sitting at the countertop and just watched me sitting down peacefully on the bathtub.

my eyes never make its way to him because i know i won't be able to make it and end up being the old me who showers him with love and affection. ever since i saw those articles and videos, it changed the way i act towards him. i am no longer sweet and caring just like a normal girlfriend should be. why did i even watched it when i know it's gonna hurt me anyways? sighing, i closed my eyes and rest my head against the cold wall.

he called me by my name again.

"hmm?" my eyes still shut as the cold air hits my arm that's resting on the edge of the bathtub, making me shiver.

"look at me." this time, his voice got slightly higher. i opened my eyes and looked at him, my eyes look nothing but emptiness. he was speechless, words couldn't escape his mouth as he gulped and watched me wrap a towel around my body.

the second day, i am still ignoring him and he acts as if it's a normal thing already. i'm scared that the both of us will let it be like this and end up breaking up. that shit will tear me up. licking my lips, i left the house without even saying a word to him.

"oh hey y/n," suga greeted me with a smile but it turned into a pout once he saw my teary eyes.  with his arms wide, i didn't think twice and quickly ran up to him and hugged him tight.

"you watched the videos, didn't you?" i looked at him and bit my lip, my eyes started to water again as i rest my head on his chest. his hands rubbing my back and also caressing my hair, swaying our bodies side by side.

pulling away from his hug, he went to the kitchen to get me some water. we both sat down on the couch while he was sitting in front of me and i was taking out all the pain from my heart. i told him everything i couldn't tell right in front of jimin. i told him everything i had watched and how it breaks my heart again and again. it's in my mind already, i can't get it out. i want to forget everything i had watched but i couldn't.

"rumours stay rumours, y/n." he said as he poured a red wine in his glass, taking a sip of it right after.

"it will stay rumours? there were a lot of videos of him and jeongyeon, don't you think it's now obvious?" i felt like being shot in the heart when i remembered how sweet jimin is towards jeongyeon. she could dance and sing. she is pretty and probably jimin's ideal girl. being compared to her, i'm nothing. i know that being sweet to everyone is his thing but those videos just crossed the line where it came up to me and thought that, maybe he likes her.

"what if you're in my situation? when you find out that your girlfriend has a lot of videos with a man that she seems to like? what would you feel, huh? what if you find out that she's about to leave you because she found someone else better than you? wouldn't that break your heart over an—" he cuts me off by my name. from his eyes, i could tell that his heart is being ripped in two when he saw tears running down my cheeks uncontrollably and my hands started to tremble.

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