32 : errant

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getting a case in your school was you're always known for. talking back to your teachers, hurting your schoolmates if ever they try to push your buttons and just doing the exact opposite things of a disciplined student would do.

you hated school, you always do.

but your parents kept pushing you to attend even all you do was trouble, that's why when they go to school to accompany you for what you've done terribly was something ain't new to them.

"ms. y/l/n. you're late again," you gave her a forced smile and placed your bag on the floor before sitting down.

your challenging eyes met hers that made you want to test her.

"you look stressed again." the students couldn't help but to chuckle with your comment. with her hair messy and eyebrows not even looking the same, she looked very stressed.

"you're really getting into my nerves, you little kid! i'll make sure to get this to mr. park!" she raised her voice and widened her eyes, as if her threat was going to scare you when nobody scares you.

"really? or do you want me to tell everybody how disgusting the details were when i caught you making out with the school janitor?" with your eyebrow up and waiting for her to defense herself, you left her astonished with your words.

she couldn't say anything because it was true, you caught them and it was very disgusting for them to make out inside the janitor's closet and she couldn't even shut her moans.

most of your classmates looked shock with what you said and they just laughed it off causing the teacher in front of you to storm out of the room.

a guy who was laughing very loud lifted his hand up in front of you, hoping that you're going to hit it with yours but you gave him a look which made him shut his mouth and pull his hand back.

then your favorite teacher came, who gets mad easily and the one you liked teasing.

"free trial in hell, here we go." he rolled his eyes and you were so sure that comment was for you.

"hello, there sir. i missed you," you heard few chuckles from your classmates when he placed his suitcase on the desk.

"we all know here that you only miss having fun of me, stop playing around y/l/n."

as the time goes by, you were talking with your seatmate which he was something he's observing ever since it started.

as always, you pushed his buttons causing him to yell like he always do. your laugh made him lose his temper and storm off the room just like what your previous teacher did.

the guidance counselor, mr. kim, gave you a piece of paper and wrote all the things you've done for today. it was only half of the day and that's not all you can do.

while he was writing down on the paper, you could see the disappointment plastered on his face. if you set aside that and focus on his features, you realized why students go crazy over him.

that pointed nose that he has, perfect structured jaw, eyes that when you stare at feels like it was piercing into your soul, his manly figure and pure intelligence.

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