interview #51 @MyFairLady02

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1.What is your favourite book?

Oh well, my love for books was slow cooked but as deep as my dark circles. I read many and have an endless list of favs XD. Choosing one is hard, but I have 3 that I hold a special place in my heart:

"A Walk to Remember" by Nicolas Sparks. I've read it so many times, I stopped counting...the story teaches us such a beautiful life lesson. Besides. It was my first book to read in English.

"Peter Pan" by J.M Barrie. I just can't put into words how much this story means to me. It goes far beyond the fairy tale. It teaches us to stop running from life and face the adventure it is for itself. With both its good and bad sides ❤

"Take Me Back" by @katsydawne, I know it's still in progress, but this story has captured my heart since the first day I came across it. I always say I found gold that day and that still stands. Truth overcomes perfection ❤ and TMB is a perfect reflection of that. Also, the author has become one of those friends I will always want in my life. This makes me realize that no one could have ever wrote such a heartfelt story but her ❤ and I couldn't be prouder.

2. What is your favourite thing about Wattpad?

Mmm 🤔 I am gonna sound stupid, which I probably am XD, but I guess the fact that it's a platform that gives everyone the opportunity to explore their own writing. We all get to share ours and read others easily ^.^

3.How would you spend a rainy day?

Don't get me started! Rain is my favourite thing in the world, after food of course 🙄✌. I'd normally spend rainy days at home, watching a Disney film or just chilling on the bed. However, getting drenched from head to toe but not giving a care while you sing with your friends at the top of your lungs, it's also a pretty cool experience (true story about one of my first days in University XD).

4.Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

"Surprised" is clearly an understatement here. I never expect votes follows or comments in the least... also cos I have been on a break from writing for months now because of my studies (which will end soo! Only 1 month go to Ma friends! *cries on the inside*). But In general, I am always amazed if I ever have one of those, as I never expect people to have interest in my account or story whenever that happens it always catches me off of guard.

5.what is your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't really have a schedule, as I said, atm I am on a pause that will soon come to an end *jumps in excitement*. But I just try to write as much as I can everyday when I am free. I always say for me, writing is more of a need than a want, it's therapeutic❤ so the more time I spend on it the better I feel.

6.what is your vacation dream?

AHHHHH! To be honest, Greece! Growing up I was obsessed to a whole new level with Greek a point I thought that at some point I was gonna study it XD (not what I am studying btw). Then as a hard-core fan of Musicals ...Mamma Mia might have triggered my interest even more...🙄 so yeah, Greece! Crete, I would love to rent an apartment for a month and go every day swimming 😍

7.What's one Wattpad goal?

I guess my only goal on Wattpad was to share OB (Our In Between) somewhere. I just wanted to put it out there regardless of reads, votes or comments❤ That won't stop me from writing (the only reason I have stopped for a while is cos I need to focus on my last year of Uni as I said...dang I am repeating myself like a parrot >.< SOMEONE SAVE ME). Anyways...if by any chance anyone gets to see beyond the surface and maybe OB reaches more than their surface, I would feel very happy. That would mean that maybe Ivy (the main character) is not alone.

8.what's your favourite holiday and why?

This is gonna be stupid again XD, how surprising *shrugs and brings hands to her chest while opening her mouth pretending to be surprised*. My birthday is the 15th December and where I come from in Spain (Catalonia) there is this Christmas Carol that has the 25th Dec in it, but I thought it was the 15th Dec. I used to think I was born on Jesus Birthday 😅✌ so I was super happy to share my birthday with him...even though, I later found out Christmas is the 25th, Christmas is still my fav Holiday. It symbolizes the day in which the savior was born, and it's all about love and sharing❤ I am Christian if you haven't gathered by now XD *pretends to be shocked* Besides, my name in Spanish means Christmas 🙄how fitting.

9. What's your favourite movie?

Puff >.< why is this so hard!? Dang it *cries on the inside again* I am a huge fan of Disney, huge is a small word to say the least 🙄 so anything coming from Disney is my fav film...hence why "The Chronicles of Narnia" trilogy are my fav films, most likely the first one. I have intentions to read the book series. I love the biblical symbiology behind it ❤ I am not saying more cos maybe there are unfortunate souls here that haven't watched them yet 🙄 So I don't wanna spoil. #100%recommended

10. How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Dang it! I have never pictured "Our In Between" being published😬. That actually never crossed my mind...I don't actually think it's worth that much. Mmm but if for some magical miracle that happened XD...I would first cry, then call my Soul Sister and start screaming XD and finally I would take all those who ever believe OB was worth a penny to Disneyland 😍😍😍.

Request Time!


I only have one book, an on-going story called "Our In Between" or OB *pretends to be shocked "surprised but not disappointed" as if I had not said that already like 3 times throughout the interview XD*

Dear Lord...I am so dang bad at this >.<

why should anyone read it? Tbh, I have no idea XD...but if you happen to read it and understand the message, Ivy and I would melt into chocolate fondue 😭😭😭.

but if you happen to read it and understand the message, Ivy and I would melt into chocolate fondue 😭😭😭

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