interview #57 @AuthorrUnknown

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What's the best way to handle a bully?

 I would say not to care. I was bullied horribly growing up to the point where I was suicidal when I was about 11 or 12 years old. I realized that I really didn't care what other people had to say about me and that what someone says negatively about you is really just themselves being unhappy with who they are as a person. 

2 What is your favorite holiday and why?

 I LOVE Christmas just because it's such a happy time of the year. I also love snow and the cold weather, which is rare haha!

3 What's the best piece advice, you give a newcomer?

 If you mean someone new to writing it would be download grammarly because it helps a TON and is also free and also don't give up! The more you write, the better you get. My first book killed in comparison to some of my most recent works just because you get better with time!

4 What's your favorite movie? 

Probably the blind side or law-abiding citizen with Gerard Butler and Jamie Fox. It's so good!

5 Are you still surprised when you earn a new vote, follow or comment?

 I used to be in the beginning, it was the highlight of my day. It still is, but I get SO MANY notifications anymore that they all kind of blur together. 

6 How would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

I would probably go out to dinner with my family and pop a bottle of champagne haha!

7 What's your dream vacation? 

IRELAND! I've ALWAYS wanted to go!

8 How would you spend a rainy day?

 Inside under a hoard of blankets, reading!

9 What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

 7 rings by Ariana Grande is my current obsession.

10 What is your favorite book?

 I don't really have a favorite book, but I love anything that's a steamy romance. 

11 Who is your favorite celeb?

I don't really have a favorite celebrity. I think they're overrated, to be honest.

request time

Knox's Girl! I think someone should read it if they're into bad boys who are frustratingly amazing and also enjoy a good smut scene

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Knox's Girl! I think someone should read it if they're into bad boys who are frustratingly amazing and also enjoy a good smut scene. I just recently revamped the entire book with some major editing and I'm so proud of how it turned out.

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