Interview #5 @alexandramar1e

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1 what's one Wattpad goal?

One Wattpad goal is to make people, readers, happy. The best thing in my life thus far is when readers comment or personally send me messages thanking me for writing the book and telling me how much they love it and want more. Nothing is more flattering, and satisfying

2 what's your favorite book?

This is one of the hardest questions to answer ever. First book that comes to mind is Wuthering Heights. I love the classic English and the challenge it presents to read it. I love the romance and the back and forth, never quite getting a happy ending

3 what's the best way to handle a bully?

Best way to handle a bully, I'd say is with words. I'm not good at standing up for myself, but I often stand up for others and I usually get them to back down, or at least get a message across by using words. Especially meaningful ones. Never intentionally hurtful, because that just prompts retaliation.

4 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

I'd say a good piece of advice, for a new (writer) is to update regularly. That's the best way to gain attention, followers, and readers if that's what you're looking for. But if that is ALL you're looking for, quit now, because that's not why you should do things, simply to gain something quantitative out of it. You have to do things for bigger reasons

5 what inspired you to write?

The book After by Anna Todd actually inspired me to write. It was my first Wattpad book that I'd read, and late last year I was in a bit of a depressed state. I had never written before but I decided to create a world of my own where I could vent and make things better instead of wallowing, and that's exactly what I did. It helped a lot

6 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

My favorite thing about Wattpad is the support, for sure. Most readers are so responsive, supportive, encouraging, everything I could ever dream of. I wish I could meet every single one of them and thank them for what they've done for me. 

7 what's your favorite snack?

My favorite snack. That's almost as hard as picking a book. I have a huge sweet tooth, but I also love salty things like chips. If I were to only have one thing for the rest of my life, it would probably be "The Tonight Dough" ice cream 

8 what's your dream vacation?

My dream vacation is to travel around the world and live in each place for a few weeks or so. Actually, immersing myself in the culture of the countries. I'd love to do tourist-y things too, but I think learning is much more satisfying

9 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

If I could ask any author a question, I would probably ask how they become confident enough to show their works to people they know. To me, it's extremely personal to share my stories with people, hence the use of a pen name. I'm not sure who I'd ask though

10 Who is your favorite celebrity?

My favourite celebrity is probably Ryan Reynolds. He's extremely funny and charming and I think he'd be a really cool person to meet if I ever had the chance.

11 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't have a set schedule. I work and my schedule is pretty hectic week to week, so I can't plan things out in advance sadly. I'm trying to update at least once a week, hopefully twice.

Request time!

My first book ever written called "Candy Lips" is the start of a series that follows a group of friends living in Greenville. If you like University romance and cliche but not cliche stories, you'll love the Greenville Girls. You don't have to read them in order, but it is recommended to avoid slight confusion and spoilers

 You don't have to read them in order, but it is recommended to avoid slight confusion and spoilers

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