interview #46 @AfrathNawaz

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1 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

I love long journeys wherever I would see green around me. My motherland is a picturesque landmass where I see green in the central hills while I enjoy the blue in the coastal lines.My favourite holiday was spent with my classmates last month met after 7 years. We cherished so many childhood and school memories together.I guess wherever we travel is not what actually matters.What matters is with whom we travel.I love journeys.❤️

2 what inspired you to write? 

To be frank enough, I was given a challenge as to beat the readers count of a story which was quite famous and I just started writing afterwards.What inspired me to write was Reading. I usually spend hours reading some novels.Main aim of writing over Wattpad is not to miss my language fluency that I'm practiced to.

3 how would you spend a rainy day? 

I love rainy days. That chilling weather. Sound of rain droplets falling over tin roof. The romantic climate make me fall in love with rainy days.I love to wrap myself with a blanket, spend hours and hours talking to my crazy friends and family members while having something crunchy inside my mouth.

4 what's your favorite book? 

I love reading Harry potter novelsIt's really an awesome novel by J.K.Rowling. The way how she has build the plot the way how she moves the story is really amazing.

5 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist ? 

I don't listen to songs. I don't know Why. But I'm not a big fan of songs

6 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I'd rather choose J.K.Rowling.I know she's so inspiring. She has gone through tough times and is a wonderful person to chat with. I wanted to listen to her Experiences regarding life.How she won the battles and emerged victorious.❤️

 7 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

The way how it connects people with similar interests.It's very rare to find readers when we associate with people. But Wattpad be a platform to connect the readers and writers.

 8 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

It's really a tough question.Being a new comer Wattpad what I wanted to say everyone is start writing.

 9 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

I didn't have a schedule but I wanted to set one soon. I found no time to write the story after my degree and assignments.During first few months I could give frequent updates but over the time I couldn't. I wanted to set a time frame

10 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I'd rather celebrate with all my friendsBeing the author of My first story Sarah- The Unspoilt Dream of Hrithik"I really feel happy by loads and loads of comments that I receive for my story. I'd throw a party to celebrate the publishing deal.

 11 what's your dream vacation?

There are lot.I love visiting Paris.Waiting to go there hand in hands with my better half.

 Request time!

Hello Everyone hope you guys and girls went through my interview. Dearz just pay an eye on my very first story via Wattpad. Hope you'd love this college based love story. I hope you will definitely love the plot.

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