interview #27 @BEHaynes

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1 What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

My favorite thing about Wattpad is being able to connect with readers. As most people are working on a first draft, we are all in this process together and that creates understanding readers who are there to help your book become the best it can be. I also love the stats section as you can see which chapters are working for your readers and where to edit and improve. 

2 what's your favorite book?

Such a hard one as I have so many! I love North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell as the central romance is rife with tension and issues borne through the protagonists' flaws. For a modern classic, I loved Memoirs of a Geisha.

3 what's your favorite holiday and why?

I love Christmas. I find the whole thing completely magical, especially in London where I am from. Here, it gets dark about 5pm in the evening so the streets are filled with glittering lights, mulled wine and hot chocolate and people make a real effort to get out and spend time together with loved ones. I love the air of excitement and I think it is a time of year when everyone is at their most generous. From volunteering at homeless shelters, reaching out to friends who you've lost touch with or finding the perfect gift for a friend, it is a holiday filled with love.

4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I think I would want to meet Emma Thompson as she is such a strong, independent woman with strong views on political, environmental and race issues. Also, she is in Sense and Sensibility which is one of my favorite British films. I would want her to take me to her favorite places in London and to discuss important issues over a cup of tea. I think it is very important that all people are informed as it is the only way we will be able to make a difference to the world we live in.

5 Who is your favorite author?

On Wattpad I have a few: I love @kseniaanske – her writing is flawless, and her narratives are filled with well-rounded, strong characters. For sappy romance, I love the works of @katelynflatwhite and @lptvorik's Melody of Silence was gut-wrenching in its intensity. Outside of Wattpad I love Agatha Christie, Elizabeth Gaskell, Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, Zadie Smith, Carlos Ruis Zafron, C J Sanson and many more. 

6 what's one Wattpad goal?

I would love to reach over 50k reads on one of my books. 

7 what's your dream vacation?

I would love to visit Japan as it is a country with such a rich and vivid history and culture. Plus, the food is delicious. 

8 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

It wouldn't be anything big. I think I'd invest in a new desk to write in and celebrate with my closest family and friends over an afternoon tea with lots of Earl Grey tea and cake!

9 what's your favorite movie?

Bringing up Baby with Kathryn Hepburn and Cary Grant is an all-time favorite – I'm a sucker for the classic romances! Some Like it Hot, High Society and Singing in the Rain are also amazing and should be watched by all! For more modern films, I have a soft spot for tacky 90's/ 00's romcoms!

10 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I tend to be quite erratic – a schedule would be a great idea and something I always aspire to get in place! I have quite a busy job and that can affect how much time I have to write and post. I like to edit my chapters as I go too, so occasionally I will edit and republish before I add another chapter.

Request time! 

If you love slow romances, strong female leads, zany British parents, complicated but lovable characters and inevitable kisses under moonlight, then Under Tennessee Skies is for you!

I wanted to write a YA romance like the films and books I read growing up – not books where the main characters jump into bed together in chapter two. Mine are about love and the complications of letting go of your heart for the first time.

 Mine are about love and the complications of letting go of your heart for the first time

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