interview #8 @Emmyclair

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1 what is the best thing way to spend a rainy day?

Probably curled up in my bed reading a novel, writing or watching a movie.

2 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

I'll tell him/her to never give up. Even if you see the votes or comment aren'tcoming in, still remain strong and be patient.

3 what do you enjoy most about Wattpad?

I enjoy almost everything on wattpad. I love the supportive communities and the opportunity to read people stories.

4 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I write mostly on weekends cause that's when I'm really free 

5 what's your dream vacation?

Florida!!! I'm definitely going to be there one day.

6 what's your favorite holiday and why?

I'll ship for Christmas. Why? I mean who wouldn't, the presents, the food, being with your family, its just awesome. It also reminds us of the birth of Jesus Christ, the one who brought salvation to mankind.

7 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

I dont really have a favourite author but if i was to choose I'll go for Kimmy Hersthe author of chasing red!!

8 what inspired you to write?

I've always loved writing since i was 9. I remember writing those kids stories withmy ridiculous hand writing lol. Nothing really inspired me, i've just enjoyedit from time.

9 if you could hang out with your celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

Hmm this is a hard one! I actually have a lot and if i start listing them y'allgonna be surprise.

10 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I'll probably hang out with my friends. We go see a movie and go for dinner.

11 what's your favorite book?

I read so much but I'll just go for Romeo and Juliet, Chasing red, After, Love, anonymous.

Request time!

I'll recommend my book Damned but mine, a teen fiction and romance book. This book is an original, interesting and unique book with awesome characters.

You'll see when you check it out

You'll see when you check it out

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