interview #51 @Datisbs

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1 what inspired you to write?

I've gone through a lot of hardships, embarrassments ,humiliations and failures in my life. I've always wished that somebody was there for me. That somebody extended a hand and raised me up to my feet. My parents never understood my social anxiety and always thought i was just overthinking everything. So, I'm doing what i wished somebody could've done for me three years ago in hopes of letting them that they're not alone.

2 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

thething about this book is that I've never told my best friends, sister orparents about it. It's like my own getaway world and I'd rather have it staythat way. But let's say, my book gets published. I know what I'm about to sayis really cliché, but it really would mean the world to me. It would serve assome type of closure to me. And a confidence booster. Knowing that I didsomething this amazing means I could do more. It really would be a lifechanging experience.

3 what's one Wattpad goal?

Toget this book to be as recognized and as famous as possible. The sole reason ofthis book is to serve as self-help. Nothing more nothing less. I just want tohelp as many as i could.

4 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote ,follow or comment?

yeah. Every time i gain a vote, it produces a burst of energy and excitement in me. Just knowing that I'm not worthless anymore , that i can draw a smile on someone's face makes me really emotional.

5 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

unstoppableby sia

6 what's your favorite book?

throne of glass series ( it's a published book)

7 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

SaraJ.Mass . I would ask her about how she was able to fit in such a detailed plotin such an astounding way.

8 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

Zendaya. If you don't know, she used to be really shy and socially anxious when she was young, but you could obviously see she got over it. We would probably hang out in a mall or something. I don't know 

9 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

no specific schedule. I just write whenever it hits me.

10 what's a piece of advice you'd give a newcomer?

be a down-to-earth author. Nobody likes fakes

11 what's your dream vacation?

I'dlove to go one day on a vacation with me and my friends . That would be epic.Where exactly? Don't know. Maybe Greece or Italy.

Request time!

Go check out my book scars disclosed. It's autobiography . I talk about my real-life social anxiety what caused it, and how I got over it by the implementation of helpful confidence boosters that contributed to the place i am at right now. All is listed in book so if you need help, try checking it out!

 All is listed in book so if you need help, try checking it out!

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