interview #3 @Pizzaloverdude

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1 What is one Wattpad goal?

To make some stories into films. I would love to see my creative works become amajor motion picture!

2 How would you spend a rainy day?

Writing and writing like there's no tomorrow! Instead of just looking at the rain comedown, I like to escape into my own fantasy!

3 What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Baggage by Mary J Blige!

4 What is a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Write because you enjoy it! If you have an idea, just write it down! Write becauseit's fun and creative!

5 What is your favorite holiday and why?

That would have to be Christmas! I just love the Christmas trees, which makes it allthe merrier!

6 What's your dream vacation?

My dream vacation would be to go to Oregon! It's such a beautiful state in thePacific Northwest! And I would also like to visit Argentina! I would have tobrush up on my Spanish before visiting! 

7 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

By having a pizza party and inviting all of my friends and fictional charactersfrom my stories! XD 

8 What's your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is Nothing But Trouble. It's a movie from 1991, and it startedChevy Chase, Demi Moore, John Candy, and Dan Akkroyd. And I also like Simone!That movie is about a movie producer that creates a star from a computer!Watching that movie inspires me to write big time! Nothing like watching a filmto get your creative juices flowing!

9 What's your favorite snack?

That would have to be Hot and Spicy Cheez 

10 Who is your favorite author?

Nicholas Sparks, hands down!

11 If you could spend the day with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

Christina Ricci because I would take her to a pizza restaurant and share pizza with herand tell funny jokes!

request time!

Surviving Sandburg Private Academy is a great book because it teaches a very important lesson in behaving in a private school and what is tolerated, and what is not tolerated. Something that is different from a public high school.

 Something that is different from a public high school

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