Summer: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

He was taking a chance buying her a ring – any ring – but just like the earrings, he saw this one and impulsively bought it. Over the past couple of months since they knew each other, he noticed that she rarely wore jewelry, but since giving her the earrings, she rarely went through a day without them in her ears. That small token of affection overjoyed him.

Min pulled the ring from its holder and brought it closer to her sight. It was a simple ring, and yet charming in its simplicity. She turned it over, gazing at the tiny green lights flashing into her eyes.

An urge to revisit the hallway, and her perfumed neck, prodded his mitochondrians to dance another jig inside his cells. Resisting her was becoming a full-time job.

Min had been a little correct in guessing that if they would just go ahead and make love, then the tension building up in his system might relax a little. But then the more he thought about that, the more convinced he was that once he got her into his bed, there they would stay until the coroner carried away their bodies.

He had a responsibility, and so did she. If he gave in…well, he may as well trash a lifetime of hard work and end every other relationship he had, because once that bedroom door closed behind the two of them, he wasn’t coming out until his cells stopped their insistent dancing.

He inhaled sharply and focused on the present – what he could do now. Min stared down at his gift and a small smile crept onto her lips as her eyes welled up.

“It's beautiful.”

“I thought you might like it.” He gingerly took the ring and slid on the ring finger of her right hand. It fit perfectly, as he knew it would.

“So what is it?” she asked, moving her hand back and forth in the sunlight.

“It's a ring, silly,” he answered, shaking his head at her again.

“I know that, but what is it to you?” Min put her hand down and looked at him full in the face. He placed himself back into his chair.

Silas quirked the corner of his mouth, and raised his eyebrows, trying to look innocent. Min’s eyes zeroed in on him.

“It's a promise…or rather, a testament. Of my love for you. I want everyone to know that I love you.” He said that in a sincere voice, but the real reason was to let everyone else know that Min was unavailable.

She is mine.

“And the other one?” she asked, slightly heated, as though guessing the true motivation for his “testament.”

“Another ring,” he said offhandedly.

“You're not serious?”

“Just open it, Min.” He pushed the second gift toward her.

“So, I do get to open one?” She tapped a finger on the box, smiling at him. He returned the smile and leaned back into the chair cushions, stretching out his legs and crossing his arms.

She blinked and a twinkle glittered in the corner of her eye. He knew that look well.

Her fingers wrapped around the box, and she scooted out of her chair, kneeling down in front of him in the same manner he had her. He sat upright, moving his legs out of her way, and eyed her with a weary frown. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on his knees with the tiny box perched between her fingers. He drew in a sharp breath, but didn't say anything. She peeked up at him through her eyelashes.

My God, Min! Please don’t do this to me.

Her knees scraped on the paving stones of the patio as she edged closer. His arms unfolded, and he gripped the sides of his chair, watching her slow approach. Still leaning her elbows on his thighs, she slowly and deliberately pulled the ribbon tails of the bow, untying it. Her head tilted up, and her emerald eyes held his.

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now