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the new girl,  pt

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the new girl,  pt. 1


"GRANDMA? GRANDPA?" Lilian yelled as she knocked on the door of her grandparents' apartment vociferously. She had been dying to see her grandparents again, as it had been over three years since she last saw them, and she wanted to talk with them...

The Harper Seniors were quite intelligent, as Lilian was always said to be her father's daughter. Josephina and Herald Harper were of age, but both of them were still active in their profession. Josephina gave college classes about advanced chemistry, and Herald Harper was a public prosecutor. Lilian always loved to listen to her grandfather's most ridiculous stories he'd heard in court.

The blonde vampire could hear the laughter, from what she suspected to be the balcony of her grandparents' apartment. She banged on the door another time, this time finally receiving a reaction.

"Could you look who's there, darlin'?" a very familiar voice said, yet Lilian could not place it exactly.

It was a fuzzed memory... from her human life. And at that moment, she knew exactly who was in that apartment. Preparing herself for a full-on intimidating fight, Lilian made her eyes go newborn-red and tensed her muscles.

Charlotte appeared in the threshold, and before the vampire could even move, Lilian sped into the apartment and floored Charlotte to the ground with a lot of noise. Rage filled her mind, as she knew that the vampire's presence could only mean one other thing: Peter and Charlotte had eaten her grandparents.

"You ate them for a snack too?" Lilian sneered, her red eyes blazing into Charlotte's.

"What the fuck?!" Peter's voice yelled through the apartment, and Lilian glared at him, trying to remind herself that this was Jasper's family – that she could not kill her mate's best friends. Her fury ebbed away and was replaced by indistinctness as she saw her grandparents behind Peter. The silvery blond vampire looked protective over the two elder humans and Lilian furrowed her eyebrows, changing her appearance back into her human form.

"Again: what the fuck?!" Peter exclaimed confused, and Lilian's grandparents looked at her, wide-eyed and somewhere scared. Lilian sighed, getting off Charlotte before looking at her grandparents in disarray.

"What's going on?" she asked, demanding an explanation for these events. What were Peter and Charlotte doing at her grandparents' place?

Josephina stepped forward, touching her granddaughter's face slowly, making sure she was really there, "Lily?" she started to sob, and Lilian immediately felt guilty for barging in like the way she had.

"Yes Granny," the blonde mumbled, embracing the woman that was a few inches shorter than herself. Inhaling her grandmother's scent, Lilian completely relaxed into the hug, she smelled like a home.

"You're awake, you're back," the woman sobbed, and Lilian's usually hard eyes softened immensely, and she let go of the woman, smiling at her.

"Of course, I'm awake, do I look like I'm sleepwalking?" Lilian joked, smirking at the human in front of her. Her grandmother smiled softly and stepped aside for Herald, her grandfather, to embrace his granddaughter.

"What happened to you, dear child?" Herald asked, eyeing Lilian's appearance. Her demeanor changed and her eyes grew dark. The young vampire released herself from the elder's hug and looked at the ground, clenching her jaws to keep herself from growling.

"I fell in love," she grumbled, and she glared when her grandmother squealed in delight upon hearing that news.

"Oh, Lil, that's so wonder—" Lilian cut her off before she could finish that sentence.

"With a vampire," she stated sourly, eyeing Charlotte and Peter, "now please, explain to me what the fuck these two are doing here, because I'll decapitate them if they're here unwantedly." A lie. Lilian would never decapitate someone her mate cared about – that would be worse than leaving him, hurting him.

"Lilian," Josephina started seriously, beckoning her hand to a seat, "It is time you meet your great-great-great-grandfather, Peter Claiborne, originally." That felt like a slap in the face; Lilian was related to Peterof all people. Then, after six full minutes of speechlessness, Lilian Harper laughed, loudly.

"You tried to eatme!" she laughed at his face, "Oh, this is great. If I ever see Jasper again, he'll get to call you 'grandpa'. Amazing."

Charlotte began to giggle as well, amused by Peter's smug smirk that had spread across his face. Lilian smirked back at him. "Dear God," Charlotte sighed, and Lilian reckoned that the female vampire was sure she couldn't handle yet another stubborn vampire.

"Don't panic, Charlotte," said Lilian calmly, "I do not want to join you guys – I have already joined a coven, back in Spain. I'm only here to visit my grandparents and the graveyard... so I'll be on my way..." Attempting to edge towards the door went wrong, as her grandparents blocked the way – their faces were strict and demanding.

"Don't you dare to get out of here without an explanation, Lilian Natalia Harper!" Herald Harper scolded. Her grandmother nodded at Charlotte, who pushed Lilian into a chair.

"Alright!" she yelled, yielding to her grandmother's impressive glare, "I'll tell you everything!"

It had been quite the normal day for Jasper and his siblings... the stares of their return had faded over the weeks, and now, people only became slightly awe-struck when one of the Cullens offered them a smirk or even attention.

It was time for Jasper's favorite subject, now dealing with one of his favorite topics; history and the Cold War.

He entered the classroom with enthusiasm, trying not to be affected by his fellow students' feelings about the subject. Most of them would love to fall asleep quickly. Others were genuinely interested, but that was uncommon for them.

He could hear the soft gasp from the backside of the class before he had actually seen her; a redheaded girl sat at the table behind him, the only two places in class that were left free at the start of the year.

'She's going to brighten up your life a bit.'  Alice's words echoed through his head.

The only thing that surprised Jasper were her feelings; the redhead oozed multiple feelings at once: surprise, hatred, love and confusion... something he did not expect from a new student. Maybe he had been in class with her before, somewhere else? Impossible, then she would not be in this class...

Jasper didn't understand it, but for some reason, this girl hated him, yet did not resent him as much as an enemy would. He sat down in front of her and tried to keep his mind off it, but as soon as he inhaled an unnecessary breath, he felt shocked. A scent of rain and incense. Calming and intoxicating, but not debatable for dinner.

He concluded that he'd invite her over to their lunch table, where some of the other human friends of Bella sat at now as well. Jasper did not know why, but this girl gaze him some sense of familiarity, something that he hadn't felt in a year's time.

This will be very interesting, indeed, Jasper thought with a dared smirk. His head snapped up when the teacher started talking, announcing a new student for the last few months of this year; Nicole Shaw.


thanks for reading. let me know what you think! xx

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