Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful Monday morning. The sun glistened through your window and hit your sleeping form. The birds cherping soothed you. The sound of them singing was like a nice lullaby. You gently opened your eyes and squinted from the brightness. Your eyes soon adjusted to the light and you smiled. It was so beautiful.

You pushed yourself to sit up in your bed. You brushed your fingers gently through your (H/L) messy hair. Your (H/C) shined as the sun hit it.

You sighed, realizing it was Monday. You had school, and worst of all, you had an exam today. You told yourself to go back to bed, but then your mother opened the door and flashed a bright smile at you.

"Come on, Dear. It's time to get up" she chirped. You nodded and she closed the door. You groaned as you got into your school uniform. You put your hair up in a stunning high ponytail (if you cant, well just have it  how ever you want).

You slipped your shoes on, got your bag packed, grabbed your phone and then walked out of your room. When you stepped into the kitchen you were hit by the delicious smell of (F/B) ( fav breakfast). You looked to your mother who was cooking (F/B). 

"Hey, mum. Can i please have some?" You asked as you sat your bag down next to your seat at the table. She smiled at you and nodded. 

"Thanks!" You said to her. You waited for her to bring you the food. It didn't take long. You thanked her and gave her a warm hug. She was a great mother.

When you had finished eating you said your last goodbye to your mother and then you started to walk to school. It was your last year and you couldnt wait for it to be over. No more teacher, no bullies and most importantly, no more homework. You mentally fist pumped at the thought.


Once you had gotten to school, you walked in and put everything in your locker. Your locker had stickers and small pictures all over it. You had your favorite movie characters as stuckers and placed them around. You also had some comic books in the very back, just in case you got board.

When you closed the door of your locker you saw someone in your peripheral vision. You turned to your right to see one of the girls you hated most.

"Hi, (Y/N). I am just coming to inform you that all of the students that are spending their last year here are going on an exploration camp in a tropical rainforest. I am going so i dont want you to go, got that? If you do come i will bash you up... got that?" She said with a smug smirk on her face. 

I sighed at her. I was about to do what she said, but then i realized. This was an exploration camp in the rainforest. I have always dreamed of going to a rainforest.

I looked her dead in the eyes"listen, i am not going to let you push me around on my last year. I am going on this camp. I am not going to miss the best opportunity to go see a rainforest just because you dont want me to go. I have had enough. I am doing what i want from now on." you said as you hit your fist into your palm in a threatening way.

She scoffed and started to walk off. She stopped and whispered into your ear"if you do come, you wont be going home afterwards". She then walked off with an evil smirk plastered on her face. You shruged it off. It was only some pathetic words she said. They're only words..


You were walking down the hall,  ready to go to your math class when you were stopped by the principal. She smiled at you and you asked"what would you like?"

"Well, i was actually going to ask you if you wanted to come on an ex-" she was cut off when you finished the sentence for her.

"Exploration camp in a rainforest. I heard all of us that are spending our last year here will go"

She smiled and nodded. She handed you a piece of paper that listed all the things you needed to bring on the camp. You mentally sighed'this was going to take ages to get everything, and i have school so its going to be twice as hard'. Like she read your mind, the principal said"you dont have to come to school for the next week. You will use the time off to gather everything you need."

You looked at the paper and then back her."so, when are we going?"

"Well, the plan is that you will leave next week Monday with three teachers. You will stay there for two weeks and then come back" she said turning away and walking off. You nodded to your self. 

You went back to your locker, got everything out of it and started going home. When you walked out, you saw all the other people who were going to the camp were walking home. You smiked and excitement run through your vains.

You were walking home when you heard fast footsteps from behind you. You turned to see your best friend(BF/N) running towards you. She jumped and hugged you, causing you to almost tumble over with her in your arms.

"(Y/N)! Are you coming on the camp?" She asked you while trying to catch her breath. She slapped her knees and then jumped up to look at you. You nodded in response to her question.

She squealed and fist pumped the air. She was more excited than you, which was an achievement.

You couldn't help but smile at her. Seeing her happy made your heart flutter with pride, you felt proud. Making others happy was one of your top priorities.

"So..(Y/N), what are you taking to camp?" Your best friend asked while running up to your side as the two of you started to walk.

You thought for a moment and then replied"well, what ever is necessary. Ya'know, the basic supplies, then some more stuff that is listed on the note we got."

"Oh, haha, yeah. That was a pretty dumb question"(BF/N) said as she blushed from slight embarrassment. You couldn't help but laugh at your friend.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~over the course of the week, you mainly packed what you needed for the camp. Every day you got more excited. Time flew as you gathered the necessary equipment. 

When the day finally came, you gave your goodbyes to your family and friends. The excitement in your body couldn't be contained as you caught a flight there. 

The whole time you were flying, (bullies/enemies name) wouldn't stop stearing daggers into you. You didn't let her distract you though.

The only thing that did distract you though was the words she said.

"If you do come, you wont be going home"

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