Chapter 34: The War Prep, The Nunchucks Incident, and Bang Bang for Vissy

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After spending a day playing Apples to Apples with the twins and Reese, Stein and Evelyn decided it’s time that we start training.

“For what?” Violet asked.

“With weapons?” Naomi asked excitedly.

“What’s this all about?” Reese asked.

Over the commotion, Stein whistled loudly, making us shut up.

“Preparations for war, kids.” He said emotionlessly.

“The shadows are a real threat. They took Hannah, and tried to take Vissy yesterday. And they would’ve got her too, if not for her quick thinking.

“The queen issued it to every institution similar to ours. We need to start training, because if we don’t, and the shadows make a direct attack here…”

He shuddered, and so did we. 

He didn’t have to finish the sentence.

If they did, and we weren’t prepared, we’d either be taken away or killed. 

I clapped my hands.

“Let’s do it. I don’t want to die. I don’t know about y’all, though.”

Stein and Evelyn led us up three flights of stairs and into the attic, where many weapons sat in holsters along the walls.

“Now, kids. Settle down. Not all training needs weapons. If you can use your powers against them, that’s the best option. You always have your natural human energy to fall back on.” Evelyn lectured.

Pointing to a wall full of pointy objects, she spoke some more. 

“Weapons are organized into distinct categories. Along this left wall is the sharps. They include swords, knives, daggers, or anything you could use to pierce any enemy with.”

“This next wall is full of guns. Pretty self-explanatory. They can shoot various bullets. Some are made of silver, bronze, or even Steleto magic.”

“This wall has specialty weapons. Things like whips, maces, grenades and flash-bombs, and even a flame thrower or two.”

I was suddenly struck with an image of Reese using a flame thrower to make bacon at the Mod.

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