Chapter 1: The Brat, The Intro, and Me

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Hey. If you're reading this, you've probably picked it up assuming it's fiction. Haha. I wish I could laugh at you through my computer screen.

Come on.

Show some logic.

It's not.




But if you feel yourself in the various digital chapters, come find me Kristal and I. We can make it work. But let's get to the story, okay? Because you have a lot to learn.

Life was always pretty hard for me, but it started really getting bad this year, and I wanna document this. So others can know. 

I always thought that there was something wrong with Alexandra “Alexa” or “Xandy” LaToya. She didn’t look or act like other girls.

And the way that all the girls practically flew towards her and all the boys fight over her, it just wasn’t right.

Alexa LaToya. She’s a Year 6-along with me-at a school called Status Quo Academy in Houston.

For all you dipsticks who don’t know where Texas is, it's in the United States.

If you don't know where that is, go get yourself a map and sit in the corner while you think about your life.

She’s so beautiful boys throw themselves at her amazing supermodel-ness.

She has these vicious blue eyes, that criticize your every move.

And this lengthy blondish-brownish hair that she always has in a perfect braid.

She looks like a female model, complete with the walk, hair flip, and this fancy-shmancy stick-up-my-butt expression that makes her look so poised and regal.

She's nice-if you can call an angry sharkbearigator (that's a shark-bear-alligator) with a narwhal horn nice.

She always points her head up in the halls, so that you see that pointed little nose, and you automatically move behind her so you can walk with her.

And she turns every insult into a joke, and she flips her hair which then everyone else does. She must have a board stuck in her school-uniform blouse, 'cause she walks like someone keeps poking her with a pencil-kinda mad but keeping her composure.

And she is so. Incredibly. Stupid.

I was stuck in her English class, and she partnered with me because she didn’t want to work. She typed up an essay, and she made me spell out the word ‘forward’ for her.

I almost wept what people call the 'waterworks'-all out tears and red eyes.

Now, let’s stop focusing on whatever she is and focus on me, so that you can compare and contrast in your workbooks.

I’m the one and only Visiniri Dakovsha, also known as Vissy or Niri.

I am not skinny.

Well, technically I am, but she's natural skinny, I'm anorexic-skinny.

I'm not anorexic, by the way.

I was born like it.

I’m not tall.

Basically, I’m a 12 year old in a 9 year old’s body.  

I, on the other hand, have wide green eyes with little flecks of silver.

I also have silver hair with a little streak of blue that I cropped in a pixie cut. 

I usually stick out, because I don’t have a halo of blond-brown hair-created light around my head that radiates into everyone in a ten-feet radius.  

She is a model.

I am a flaw.

That is that.

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