Chapter 33: The Limits, The Grocery Store, and The Inner Silverware Ninja

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“I think that the emotional wounds overstimulated your powers. We all have limits, and your limits are deadly.” Stein told me, and I could see the point in it. 

But weirdly enough, I woke up and nothing was wrong. Cuts were microscopic white lines. 

“Good. That means you’re returning back to normal. But still. No affecting emotions, unless it’s only emotions.” Stein replied coolly. 

After a day in the castle, just resting up-mainly because a certain blond-haired hazel-eyed girl told me to-and reading books, I left the castle so we could buy more food.

It was Hannah’s job, but now it’s mine. And I’m not complaining. I like getting out of the castle once and a while.

“Do you really need this much food?” The cashier asked.

He’s right. I did buy enough food to feed the whole dang state for a year, and then have leftovers.

Since I found I radiate Steleto awkwardness-or as Pawns call it, beauty and charm-I twirled my hair with my finger and grinned like I was hopefully normal.

He melted a little. I saw it in his eyes.

“Um, yeah I do! It’s for my family. We, uh, eat a lot.” I stuttered.

“Your face is beautiful.” He sighed.

“If I’m so pretty, you should give me the food for free.” I stared into his eyes, green meeting blue. For a moment, his eyes flickered, turning red.

Rule 1 of Steleto Kind: Red eyes are unnatural. Leave soon.

Following the guidebook, he nodded, and I left, trying to get out of there as quick as I could without looking rude.

“Where are you going? A pretty little girl like you shouldn’t be all alone on the streets.” He smiled oddly, and I blinked.

He completely vanished.

“Maybe you should stay with me. You’ll stay with me, and my friends.” He whispered in my ear from behind me, making me jump at least a foot.

More teenagers came into the room. I scanned the situation. 

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