Chapter 9: The Dream, The Girl, and The Green Glow

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I hit my head on the ground. “You couldn’t have pushed me down and let me hit one of the mattresses. No, you had to push me onto hardwood.” I groaned.

“Oh, toughen up, girly. You’re gonna have to go through a lot more of that if you’re really the heiress.” Alexa waved away my protests that I’m not the heiress, that you have the wrong girl, etc.

I lifted myself off the ground and brushed myself off. Getting a good look at my surroundings, I find five main alarms that tell me You are crazy and have been kidnapped. 

-The room is dark except for a blue chandelier that dimly lights the room

-I can see candles lighting but no matches

-I continue to see shadows even though the room doesn't have enough light to create shadows

-There are lots of other people and I can see their clothing

-They are all dressed like we got stuck in a time machine that took us to the Victorian era

-Alexa is smiling at me like I’m supposed to do a backflip. Or she’s going to murder me.


I’m going to die.

“Well, Vissy. Or should I say, Visiniri. We should tell you where you are.”

“Then why don’t you?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Alexa grinned sarcastically at me.  “Do I need to draw you a diagram on why you’re here?”

“Please do.” I replied.

“You must be quite confused. All of us know. Now you must.”

Suddenly all the lights went on. Candles lit by themselves as I got a good look at the room.

It looked like a camp cabin. There were all sorts of people in there, but they had similar clothes and similar features.

Alexa stands in the middle of the room. 

“You’re a special one, Vissy. Or should I say, Visiniri Selena Dakovsha.” I flinched at the use of my full name. It was always painful to hear it, no reason why. Alexa looked me dead in the eyes.

“You’re a very special one. Kali would be proud. She has given us all our gifts. Now you must show her yours.” Alexa smirked at my bewildered expression. A boy hefted a young child to me.

“What am I supposed to do with this kid?”

“Just focus on the dreams.” I shut my eyes and blocked everything out.

Suddenly, I could see a video. It was like I was stuck in a movie.  It was incredibly realistic. Tiny winged girls fluttered around a dancing girl, the one I was given. She danced beautifully and gracefully, but then something really weird happened.

I felt myself hold her head in my hands, and then it went back to the real world. I was holding the girl’s head, but the world was absolutely inverted.

The world was black and white to me, except for my hands. They were glowing. I could feel the energy around them. 

This isn’t real, I thought. Not real, not real, not real. But, sure enough, I saw my veins glowing a light green, slowly flowing up from the girl’s forehead to feeling the green seep into my eyes. 

The world fluttered into normalcy. 

Suddenly, I felt that the hardwood would be a great place to take a power nap.

In other words, I passed out.

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