Chapter 10: The Theories, The Boy, and the Fuzzy Memories

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I slipped in and out of consciousness for who-knows-how long. 

I have fuzzy memories of the boy I thought I saw come in carrying me to a bed.

I fuzzily remember something being pressed on my ear. 

I remember whispering for sure. There were lots of whispers. Even I could hear them. 

When I woke up, I groggily asked, “How long was I out?” 

“Umm…about 4 hours.” A low and sweet voice replied. 

I opened my eyes way wide and blinked away the wariness. “4 hours?” 

A boy was leaning over me, the same one in the fuzzy memories. “Pretty sure, unless I counted wrong.” 

I actually got a good look at him this time. He had silvery hair that was messily arranged on his head with pale skin spattered with freckles. 

His eyes were amber-brown, and he was attractive. 

Like, really attractive. As in, David Tennant attractive. 

Yes, that attractive.

But I didn’t pay attention to that. I was too busy trying to get up.

“What are they whispering about? I want to know. I want to know what I am. And how am I supposed to know you aren’t going to kill me or that you’re some serial killer.” 

“Obviously, you’re Visiniri Dakovsha. And I’m Jack Irwin. I’m just like you, like everyone else here.” 

“But that’s what’s bothering me. I have 5 main possibilities on why I’m here, and none of them seem too accurate.”

“Well, let me hear them. I’ll tell you which are accurate.” 

“I’m being inducted into a cult with people who believe in some demonic Kali person.” 

“Go on.”

“I’m in a mental institution for kids who have strange experiences all their lives.” 

“Not real. But note those experiences.”

“I’ve been kidnapped by freaking serial killers and they’re going to use me for some satanic hell-raising ritual.” 

“I can’t verify.”

“I’m in the Matrix, and I’m asleep and just dreaming about this alternate dimension in which I have weird experiences. I’m gonna wake up in the girl’s home, and I’ll be safe.”

“Wrong movie.”

“Whatever. And the final one is, that was real back there. I really have that insane dream-suck thing.”

“Ding-ding-ding. You found it.” 

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