Chapter 2: The Slam, The Queen, and the Slo-Mo Cam

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Well, my day was going just fine. Until She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named showed up. And called my name. Loudly.

Let’s replay the scene. If we have time, we can go through it on our slo-mo cam. Watch closely.

We see our top player, Vissy Dakovsha, moving innocently down the halls, hair covered in her adorable panda hat.

Her introverted personality wards off anyone looking for a talking buddy, but her life is ruined when one girl enters. 

Alexa LaToya, Queen of the Backstabbers, enters, followed by everyone in the Year 6-9 building. She flips her golden hair and it flies everywhere, and everyone else does the same, all in a big wave of hair. 

She walks about halfway through the hall, looking for someone, and then spots me. 

She does the unthinkable as everyone begins to softly snicker:

She waves to me and shouts, “Come over here, Vissy! I need to tell you something.” 

My eyes are naturally big and wide, but I felt them bulge out of my sockets as I walked over to her cluster. 

“My dear Vissy, I believe that you don’t like me.” She says. 

“Frankly, I don’t.” I respond, trying to morph my features into an emotionless mask. And I got a B- on my poetry assignment for English.

Her eyes flash red for a few seconds, but then she smiles, a sickly-sweet grin that makes you nauseous. 

“You don’t? Huh. I wonder what my friend Brayden Collins would have to say about that.” She snaps, and he comes forward. I gulp.

 Brayden Collins is the strongest person at the Academy. He’s only a Year 6, but he teaches guys from Year 2-12.

He adores her, dotes on her hand and foot, gets rid of people she doesn’t like, he can even give her hugs like a boyfriend casually might, but she uses his willing servanthood to her advantage.

She smiles bigger, and he melts a bit. It's actually kind of gross. I vomited in my mouth a bit.

“I want you to try Plan B. Afterwards, make sure that she likes-no, loves-wait no, adores me. She should be willing to wait on my hand and foot, be able to sing the praises of my accomplishments, be able to kiss my bare feet afterwards. You know the drill.” He nods.  

Grabbing my bony arms roughly, he drags me-who at the moment is biting him and screaming like a banshee-to a wall, and he takes off my hat and my hoodie. 

Then he slams my head against the wall. 

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