Chapter 7: The Cycle and diMort

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The Cycle, as explained in detail by Visiniri Dakovsha: 

Year 1: You are integrated into Status Quo Academy, where you are sorted into classes as based off of your intelligence and skill. You learn what’s what and who to hang out with.

I hung out with no one. Alexa hung out with everyone.

Year 2: You get to go to a dance and get your specialization. That’s a special course that you take that will most likely be your career.

You are then sorted into your clique, or the people who share your specialization. Alexa got Modeling and Beauty. I got Photography and Film. 

Yep, you probably guessed it. I was the only film girl. Alexa gets integrated into the In-Girls, the girls who look like Barbie dolls.

But even before then, she hated me. 

Year 3: You get a year full of classes about stranger danger and safety precautions. Ho-hum.

Year 4: Yes! You get to go to the true building, the beautiful secondary building! Learn to integrate yourself in a mature environment. 

Year 5: Big major tests on everything you know. 

Year 6: Um, just began it. I don’t really know.

 Well, that’s it. But there are a lot more details that I will not bore your brain with now. I want to inform you more on what she actually told me.

She told me something very cryptic. Very cryptic.

“Well done, Vissy. You might actually be one of us.” and “No? Okay. Just heal your wounds. The blood ruins your complexion, and all I want is to see you at diMort.” 

Oh, here’s the text that is un-cryptic.

“You did good, Vissy. You might actually be weird enough to be evil like us."

"Oh, you don’t want to be evil? Just get stitches because the blood I spilled on your face makes you look ugly, and what I want from you other than pain that I purposely made for you is to see you at this really fancy nightclub for strippers and VIPs, even though we both know that you have a horrible upbringing.” 

That seems random.

Oh, and I need to tell you: I overanalyze things.

Yeah, shocker.

But since I don’t particularly feel rebellious, or even defiant, I went to a vintage store and bought a nice dress with-guess what?-my Pikachu hoodie.

 I found diMort-not hard to find, truly, since it’s the only building that’s pumping out tech-beats and hypnotic lights.

I knocked on the door and faced the most popular girl in school.

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