Chapter 18: The Coffee, the Reese, and the Dazzling Smile

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We landed at the Mod, a nice little cafe in Galveston, a good hour away from Houston.

Kristal and I were both dressed in the clothes from the ritual, but the tears on my shirt had faded away.

A waitress-not much older than we are, I may add- immediately came up to us. 

“Hi! My name is Reese. What can I get for you today?” She smiled genuinely.

“Sure, I’ll take a latte and a cookie.” I said, putting on my dazzling smile.

Reese giggled, jotting it down on a notepad.

“I’ll have what she’s having.” Kristal replied. 

I was about to fish some money out of my bag, but Reese stopped me. “It’s on the house.”

I was about to thank her when she said, “It’s the least I can do for the heiress, eh?”

I gasped, and Kristal’s jaw hit the floor. “I’m one of you, yeah. I may just be a Socialite, but I’m still a Steleto.” She grinned.

“Plus, it’s nice. And I know you care if I do something nice.”

Kristal and I grinned at her perkiness. As she left, she said behind us, “I know you have no money, anyways. Comes with the job.”

We burst into laughter. I think every head turned around to see us. 

My reaction? 

The feeling like we should hide.


She put on a toothy grin and waved.

Everyone faced their meals again, and Reese came back over with cups and food. I think Kristal may have swallowed her food whole, no chewing or anything. I can say I did the same. 

After inhaling my coffee, I started squinting in the corner of the room, ready to portal our way out.

But Reese put her hand on my shoulder. “You’re going to hurt yourself if you make one. Too much usage makes you sick. Especially after the Ritual of Souls.”

She opened one up immediately right in front of us. “But won’t the-“I asked, but she interrupted. “Nope, I cast a glamour over the portal. No Pawn can see.” 

Kristal and I looked in awe at Reese, who grinned. “I’ve been getting lessons since I was 6. I’m 14 now. You would think I’d know a thing or two.” 

“If you’re 14, how’d you get a job?” Kristal asked. “My mom runs the place. I help out when I need some cash.” Reese replied. 

“If you ever need a place to flee to or eat food, just find us.”

We said our goodbyes to Reese.

Into the portal we leap.

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