Chapter 8: The Trapdoor and My New Dress

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“Oh! Vissy! You’re finally here!  I thought you’d never come.” Alexa beamed down on me. 

She wore a strapless skin-tight night-club style dress. It showed almost everything, but before I could really look at her dress, she made a face at mine.

Sucking in a breath, she says:

“We’ll have to do something with your attire, of course, but you’ve never been here before. You don’t know the magic that goes on around here.” 

“Um, is there any chance that that magic could be, oh, I don’t know, the affects of how much you’ve been drinking tonight, or the hallucinogens pumped into the air?”

She laughed. “Cute. But I don’t drink. Or do any drugs. I get high on life.”

Seeing my ridiculing expression, she pulled me in. “Get in, loser.” 

There were wasted kids dancing, but otherwise, the kids were gothic and rock-and-rollers.

They all wore black and dark colors, like they were going to a funeral, but all the excitement seemed to be coming from a inconspicuous door.

Alexa was already poised with her groupies around.

She faced her groupies, and receiving an approving nod from each of them, they surround me.

Before I could even protest, Alexa snapped, and automatically feeling a change, I grabbed a mirror.

I gasped. 

 I was wearing a floaty white dress from the fifties, halter-top and lace on the top, probably the fanciest thing I’ll ever own, but once she snapped, I felt something shift.

Looking in the mirror, I see a girl wearing a gothic Victorian-era dress. It’s mostly black, very hooped.

The chest of the dress is laced up corset-like, and the top is blue with various details with my pikachu hoodie.

“Like it? I thought you would. Plus, it’s how we all dress.” I look up to Alexa. She’s already changed, into a princess-y dress, but still wearing dark colors. So were her groupies.

She pulled me closer and closer to the door. She opened it and shoved me in. 

The door was full of sleeping people laying peacefully on thick mattresses. A trapdoor sat in the middle of the room.

Above them sat girls with tattoos on their ears. Leaning over the sleeping people, they put their hands on their foreheads as their tattoos glowed.

The light transferred up into their heads as the girls smiled and the people tossed. 

I felt like I stumbled into something incredibly intimate. But Alexa ushered me in.  

With a smug grin, she shoved me down into the trapdoor.

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