Chapter 15: The Reveal, The Hannah, and The Closet

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  • Dedicated to Hannah

That night, I slept in the room full of Pawns. It felt awkward, to know that I just passed out, threw up, drained their dreams, and was told a totally crazy story, and they slept soundly in here.

Pawns are weird.

I barely slept any, so I woke up ready to kill someone.

“If Alexa pushes me around today, I won’t hold Kristal back.” I muttered under my breath.

“I heard that. Something about a World’s Scariest Barbie getting mauled, right?” A familiar voice drawled.

I giggled, looking up to see Kristal, a smug grin on her face. “Oh. hey, Kristal. Why are you here?” I asked groggily.

“Some guy told me that you were here. Jack something or other.” she replied.

Jack? Why Jack, of all people? Whatever. But then something dawned on me.

“Hey. Kristal.”


“Are you an…” I searched for the right word-“orphan?”

Her normally tan skin turned ashen. “Y-yes, why?”

“Were you sent to a home for kids with no parents?”

She nodded. “Pretty much.”

“Since then, have animals, especially birds, been particularly wary of you?”


“Have bad things happened to people who pushed you around?” 


“Whenever you get hurt, do you heal pretty quickly?”

“Yes.” She paused. “What’s with the questions?”

I smiled. “I think we need a visit to the library.”

An hour later, after we looked presentable and not like we slept in Gothic-Victorian era clothing on mattresses in the back of a nightclub from 3 am to 9 am.

“So…why are we going to the library again?”

I grinned Chesire-cat style at Kristal’s bewildered expression. “Oh, you’ll see, Kristy.”

“Don’t call me that.” she replied, almost angrily. I smirked. “Of course you don’t.”

We finally made it to the library as wild thoughts rushed through my head.

What would the girls home say?

What if this is a lie?

What if Kristal isn’t a Steleto?

“Finally.” I sighed. We rushed in together, looking for Hannah.

Hannah was a teenage girl who worked at the library. She kind of looks like punk Cinderella, but she’s the coolest teen I’ve ever met. 

We spotted her, sitting at a desk, trying to file her talon-like nails. When she saw us, she beckoned us over. 

“Hey, Vis. Hey, Kris. What you guys want?” She asked.

“Hey, Han. Kali, Kali, Kali. 3, 5, 7.” I said.

She blanched. “Wow. Never thought I’d hear you two say that.” She grabbed the back of our shirts, talon nails dragging into our backs. 

Despite our protests of pain, we were shoved into a dark closet. “Ow! What was that for?”

“Good luck finding the way out.” 

Yay. Great. I'm in a closet. With Kristal.

Help me.

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