Chapter 19: The Magic, The Popularity, and The Bell

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We returned to Status Quo Academy, which was a shock. Two reasons for this:

-This place and not the Eiffel Tower or something like that? Even after the closet, the coffee, and the ritual? Really?

-The whole school wasn’t surrounding Alexa. As a matter of fact, they were wandering around aimlessly, like Alexa wasn’t in the middle of the hallway.

Alexa was in the hallway. She looked like she was waiting for something to happen. 

Oh, and to answer your question, yes, something did happen.

Everyone surrounded me. I mean everyone. Am I more popular than Alexa?


I was trying to wander throughout the crowds of what seems like thousands so I could find Alexa. Maybe she could tell me what was going on.

I spotted her amber halo and made my way over there. 

She was standing with Magka, who were both smugly grinning.

“What? You didn’t know?” Alexa asked, still grinning.

“Didn’t know what?” I replied, really confused.

“Oh, yeah. We never told you.”

I resisted the urge to shake Alexa and Magka like rag dolls.

“Steleto magic radiates into Pawns. Your magic really radiates whenever you realize your power.” Magka says cooly. 

“How else would so many movie stars get their jobs?”

“Because I’m a Socialite, and you’re royalty-an heiress, truly-you have more control.”

Alexa grinned.

Then the bell rang, signifying the end of school-wow, all that in one day-and I made a portal and shoved Kristal inside.

“We’ll be seeing you soon, I guess. Bye! Oh, and tell Kaoline I said hi!” I yelled to Alexa and Magka as I leaped into the Portal.

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