Chapter 17

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I know, i know, I'm so sorry 😭😭😭.
Las, las, here it is.
By the way, this was meant to be up on Friday, but i know you've waited long enough.
•But you're not a doctor, not by degree, or are you?

'No I'm not'

'Well go get me one I don't have time'

'I don't have time for this' she hissed and entered the patients ward. What kind of a person is that? She asked herself.•

The last thing i needed was for a random stranger to distract me right now, this is life or death.

*takes a deep breath*

During the while procedure, no one spoke, except a few of the nurses. Thankfully, the operation is not that serious, turns out it was a false alarm, there was a mistake with the drug administration.

Well we saved the day, else it would have gone worse.

While we all were relieved when we found out, The news seemed to make Dr. Jamaal angrier, i get it though, if they had been more careful, nome of this would have happened.

Alhamdulillah though, you can't change the past, no need to dwell over it.

Apart from that, he seemed so engrossed in the operation, his eyes fixed and the only sound he made were 'scalpel' 'needle' till it was over.
Part of what made him great here i guess. Im even yet to find out who he is.

After cleaning up, i didn't even speak to anyone except the nurse that asked for my signature.

I walked down the stairs, taking different routes and after a long tiring attempt of not finding my way, I concluded.

I was lost. All due to the fact that I couldn't find it in me to ask someone. Well, not my fault. Not many friendly faces.

You know how there's always light at the end of the tunnel, and that's the way? that's the situation i was in right now. Its a long alley, not really dark, but there's a brighter room down ahead.

Maybe its the mortuary. They always keep them separate.

Walking closer, i heard voices.

"I get that, but do you think being lenient is an option? This is a hospital for God's sake, there is no room for mistakes. A man could have died, died. Tell me what would have happened after that.
What's the point of being here if you can't do your job well, besides didn't you say this program had only the best..."

I could see Dr. Jamaal clearly since the door was wide open. I couldn't see the other person though,

Now, to enter or not to enter.

Worst case scenario, he doesn't answer me and gives me a dirty look.

Best case scenario, he doesn't answer or look at me at all.
Well, here goes nothing.

'Aaaa...., Assalamu Alaikum"

Yep, that blank look again.

"Come in, Farha, come in"

That was Maami, thank God.

I smiled awkwardly and walked inside.

This wasn't Mami's office for sure. White like a typical hospital but had this dark marble wall to add 'character?' Well, I don't see it, it's just all white amd black, not too cold, not welcoming.

Just enough to make you uncomfortable, oh yeah. Like this guy right here.

'What can i help you with Farha, how are you settling in?"

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