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As if entering the lair of an evil dragon, Jamaal entered his grandmother's room and bent down to offer his customary greetings. Receiving silence alone, Jamaal kept his head down in respect. After a torturous silence....

'So you come back and don't bother to come and greet your nana, is this what our tradition says? Because you've been in the west doesn't mean you should lose your values. You hear me boy?'

'Assalamu alaikum' he repeated.

'Wa alaikassalam', nana huffs. She knew her grandson well, he was however, her favorite and she's always had a soft spot for him and one thing she knew was that he always stuck to his principles.

Sighing she patted the seat next to her, 'come sit here boy', he moves close to her but sits on the floor instead.

'I said here!'

He looks up and smiles, 'I'm fine here nana'.

'So how are you dada?' she calls him dada instead of his name Jamaal. He was named after his grand dad and everyone called his granddad dada, so she calls him that.

'I'm fine alhamdulillah'

'Alhamdulillah, how is work?

'It's all good nana'

'So tell me about London, was it comfortable?

'Yes nana'

'You were taken good care of?'

'Yes Nana'

'By whom?'

'Uncle Muhammad and his wife' they were family friends and the older man considered Jamaal as his son as he had lost his to the army.

'Just them?'

'Umm, just ask the question nana' he knew what she was getting to and he couldn't stand the torture.

Chuckling at her grandson, she said, 'Well then, there's no woman that's taking care of you? No one you're going to marry?

'No nana, not yet'

'What do you mean not yet? You have everything dada am (my dada) what else do you need?'

'Nothing nana, I just need time'

'Time is what you don't have. If there's a girl you have in mind tell me now, and if there isn't, then I have plenty of young girls waiting to be married, don't be a waste of a man, I'll even let you choose. You hear me?' She didn't want to force him, she just wanted him to happy and he deserves every happiness he can get and that can only be found in a good wife. She prayed Allah guides him.

'Yes nana, anything'

'Good boy, your mom raised you well. Now go rest, you'll start meeting some tomorrow insha'a Allah'

'Good night nana', she didn't answer.

He sighed as he closed the door and leant on the wall. 'That bad huh?', his brother Labeeb said. 'Yeah, I'm meeting girls from tomorrow', he replied.

Labeeb laughed and said 'well, Ango (groom) go and rest eh, you'll need it.'

Brushing his hand through his hair in frustration, he knew there was no way out of this.

He performed Istikhara prayers to seek guidance in whatever decision he makes. Feeling calmer now, he said his Duas and drifted off to sleep. He was so tired.


Awwww, so the wolves not that bad after all.

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