Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Doctor Hassan and his wife Afrah, were getting ready to leave the hotel to meet hopefully, their son in law and his family. They were already familiar with the family, jus not the son because after his friend, Abdul Rahman died the family came back to Yola. All of them including the wife who is a born British, Abdulrahman was working in Leeds when he met his wife. After they got married they moved to London. And after his death they moved back to Yola as they believed family was the only thing holding them together.

'Come on hurry up and finish well be later, he laughed at his wife as she helped him fix his cap and put final touched on her face. They left the hotel in good moods. All with a prayer that they find what they're looking for.

After being saved by his mother, Jamaal went down to meet his other relatives, he was having fun because the closest thing to him was family and it made him happy seeing everyone together like that.

During the so called gathering he discovered his grand mom had already sent word that eligible girls should try and get his attention, it wasn't so bad because his was always with people and girls interrupting will be termed disrespectful.

Time flew and before going down for dinner, he got informed that the guests have arrived. He was told to hurry dress his best and what not and he saw his mom shouting about the side of the garden that wasn't swept well, he knew his mom was obsessed about making good impressions on guests but this was another different story. He finished getting ready and walked down the stairs. His mom had already briefed him on the guess. Mr. and Mrs. Hassan. Well, doctor Hassan. He was very close to his dad his mom told him and that he wouldn't remember him because he didn't come so often when Jamaal was old enough to remember him. But what labeeb told him was enough to make him respect them a lot.

He walked in to see both of them seated chatting with his mom, his uncle and labeeb. He said his salaams and entered.

'This is my other son, Jamaal, his sister, my last born is studying in London, and so she won't be back for a while'

'Jam anduna' ...he greeted them and sat down.

How they all clicked made him think, they all seemed so at home.

'So Jamaal, you're a doctor', Dr. Hassan said looking at him.

'Yes, umm, surgeon to be precise'

'Masha Allah, what kind?'


And that's how the talks continued, them exchanging information about each other and he saw why his dad would consider him as a very close friend. He was a good man. But he wondered why he never heard of them. Maybe something happened.

Toward Iesha prayer, the whole conversation became about him. In return, he learnt that Dr. Hassan was a retired doctor and that he had two children, one married and the girl still single and is an engineer. All in all, they all liked each other.

They all prayed isha together and after, his uncle dragged the now uncle Hassan into his private quarters and it was just aunt Afrah and his mum chatting in the living room.

After thinking, he realized what his mom was trying to do. She always supported his decision of not marrying into the family, and she helped him escape his nanas claws, there had to be another reason other than entertaining guests and she did mention they were here to see him. The pieces weren't hard to put together.

'So you're here, I thought you went to bed so I escorted them out', his mom's voice shook him from his thoughts. Smirking he turned to his mom.

'Well, I wanted to give you space so you'll finish talking about my marriage'

'What', his mom asked surprised.

'You want me to marry their daughter', he said accusingly. His mom wandered why he wasn't upset.

'And you're not angry', she pointed out.

'I know why you're doing it. But why maami? What's so special about them?' his mum looked at him as if he grew two heads, she didn't know what to say.

'Well your uncle and I decided that you'll be a good match, he's a good friend of his and was best friends with you father. And the girl, I've not met her yet but I've heard a lot and she seems like an angel, please Jamaal give this a chance I just want you to be happy', she looked at him pleadingly, about to burst into tears.

He held his mom close and at this point he knew what to do.

'What if I tell you that I like them a lot and I trust you maami? So ill marry her.' His mom froze in his arms.

'What did you just say?'

'Yes, I said yes maami, I'll take her as my wife'. His mom couldn't be happier, it was finally happening and she'll be able to fulfill her husband's wish.

She kissed Jamaal all over his face with tears in her eyes and ran to tell the good news to his uncle.

Chuckling, Jamaal stood up and poured himself some grape juice. He couldn't remember the last time he saw her this happy.

'So I take you're the reason moms acting crazy'. Labeeb was entering the kitchen. He hugged his brother and said 'you made the right choice and you won't regret it' he patted his brother proudly. 'At least you won't be looking at your back for any girls.

They all laughed. And Jamaal said 'you know the whole family right?'

'Umm yeah, I served with her brother, he's a good friend of mine and I've met the girl twice'

'Sooooo, what does she look like? Labeeb looked at his blushing brother and doubled in laughter.

'I'm serious what does she look like come on tell me.' He ran after his brother.



Am I the only one screaming? Who saw that coming? Not you I bet.

What do you guys think of Jamaal now? I want him.

Well I own him and all, but may all our dreams come through.

Show me some love guys, just keep the votes coming, they are the coins to your wishing well.

Vote and make a wish. May your dreams come true.

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