chapter 16

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Waking up in the morning, Farha shut her eyes from the blinding morning light. She felt so uncomfortable and realizing she slept in yesterday's clothes she groaned and stood up. The place was completely empty and her two roommates didn't even bother waking her up. She entered the bathroom and after taking a long relaxing shower she dried off and seeing her phone, she picked it up and panicked immediately after seeing the time. It was past 12 and she was supposed to be there by 8 in the morning. She hurriedly dressed up and left the building.

The walk was too far and she had already started sweating, she felt like shit and was sure she looked like shit. Just great.

Thankfully the place was fully air-conditioned, she realized she was parched and looked around for a place to get water. Thankfully she saw what looked like a cafeteria and after picking up a bottle of water from the fridge, she realized she didn't have money with her, she even left her phone. Damn. She kept it and sat down on an empty table and released a long sigh. She tried to calm her nerves and well realizing she didn't even know anyone, she kept her head down.

Something cold touched her. She lifted her head and saw a cold bottle of water, thinking she was dreaming she just kept looking at it.

'Here, you must be thirsty' it was a man, a fine man, a dark handsome man was giving her water, this must be love, her savior.

She collected the water and chugged it all down. 'Thank you' she breathed out. He had already invited himself to sit down beside her.

'No problem' he said smiling. She didn't know what to say so she kept looking around.

'Are you new here?'


'Do you know what your role is?'                                            

'Not yet, do you know where I'm supposed to go?' with how she looked and sounded, she sounded like an idiot who didn't know anything and from his expression he thought the same. He told her directions and seemed to lose interest in her. Well great impression Farha, she said to herself.

She made her way to the ladies room first and fixed her dressing and her face, at least she now looked human. She made her way to the admin office and submitted some papers. Thank god she came with those. The woman was called Maami, everyone knew her, and she was very nice. She told Farha that that the roles haven't been completely assigned, she will be called later but she should go help Dr. Jamaal.

Acting as if she knew who it was, she set off. She walked to the main hospital area, and seeing some nurses and doctors, she saw a friendly looking nurse.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a Dr. Jamaal?"

"Yes, he's right there, the one reading a file"

"Okay thank you"

She approached the doctor who seemed to be paying attention to the file he was reading

'Dr. Jamaal. I'm Engr. Farha, Maami sent me to you, said that I should help with the neurotransmitters check on the paralysis victim'

He then lifted his head to look at her and like a completely normal person she........froze.

The haunting eyes caught her off guard, and she continued her journey to the nose, lips, and damn! Masha Allah.

'.............I asked for a doctor not an engineer, go and tell Maami to send someone else, someone that knows what she's doing'

That insult was the perfect thing to bring her out of her trance.

'Excuse me?

'I said a doctor, a doctor"

'I heard what you said and that's my job, I'm a biomedical engineer "doctor" that's my field, I worked as a doctor and I earned that title so...

'But you're not a doctor, not by degree, or are you?

'No I'm not'

'Well go get me one I don't have time'


'I don't have time for this' she hissed and entered the patients ward. What kind of a person is that? She asked herself.


What is happening?

I don't know. Just...well, bye.

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Doctor Dreamy✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ