chapter 6

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Waking up, Jamaal remembered his talk with his grandma and groaned immediately, he didn't know how to escape it. But he had to try.

Making the best decision as a grown up, he decided not to leave the room at all, he told his family he was still tired and everything was brought to his room, his nana didn't look for him and everything was great.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Manaal was looking for her son. They had important guests coming over to meet him. And when she heard he said he was sick, she knew it was one of two thing because he never gets sick, when he does its very serious; so it was either he was really sick or he was hiding from something, he always did that as a kid.

Sighting Labeeb in the living room, she called him, to ask him what happened. 'Is your brother really sick? Or is he hiding again?'

Laughing labeeb answered his mom 'I think it hiding, you should have heard the conversation he had with Naana' he looked scared after.

'What did she tell him?'

After labeeb narrated the whole story, she climbed the stairs to go to her son's room.  Pounding on the door she said 'Jamaal, open the door this instant'. She heard shuffling and the door was open to reveal a frowning Jamaal.

'What are you still doing inside? Your uncles and cousins are here to meet you'

'Maami mi nyaudo (Maami I'm sick)', his mum shook her head and put his head on her laps, rubbing his hair she smiled saying 'no you're not. What is it this time? Labeeb told me what happened with your grandma.'

'She wants me to meet girls', he shivered at the thought of his female cousins, and other village girls he'll have to meet. It's not like his cousins were ugly or bad or anything, he watched them all grow up, watched their stupidity and all, whenever he sees them they never get passed that phase in his mind.

'What's wrong with that, don't you want to get married?'

'I do, a lot actually, I just haven't found someone I like and I don't want to be tied down to someone just because of family, it's hard. I want to have what you and dad had maami' he said turning red.

Since when he was little, Jamaal was a sucker for romance and seeing his parents like that just made him want it more, although when his dad passed, it broke his mom apart but her love for him was what helped her pass through it. And he wanted to have someone to love and care for and be loved in return, more than anything.

'What if I can get you out of this?' his mom said out of nowhere.

'Huh? What did you say?' he jumped and looked at his mom. 'You heard me. But only on one condition.'

'I'll do anything just don't let me suffer that horrible fate', he pleaded with his mom.

'We have guests coming over, and you have to meet them and engage and make a good impression, you'll be their host for tonight. So I don't want you to greet and disappear like you normally do, you'll sit with them until they leave.'

He groaned at that thought, he didn't like guests. Well he liked people just not ones he didn't know. But it was better than having girls trying to get his attention. Sighing he looked up at his mom 'okay but tell me about them first.'

Happy friday!!!!
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