chapter 5

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'So Farha behave yourself okay, no funny business'

'Yes mama got it' she said saluting her mom. Her mom flicked her fingers on her head and Farha pouted looking at her dad who was trying to pretend he didn't see anything.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Farha turned to look at her brother. 'mum, she'll be fine, she's not a child and I'll make sure she doesn't do anything bad okay, you guys will miss your flight if you don't go now.', said Abdool to his mother.

'Yeah we better leave darling', their father (Hassan) told his wife.

After a series of goodbyes and hugs and kisses their parent left and farha turned to look at her brother. 'So where's our wife?' she joked, people always told him that he's sharing his wife with his sister because any opportunity she gets she snatches his wife. Abdool understands that because she never had a sister or someone to bond with. Even though he feels jealous sometimes, it makes him happy to see them together.

Chuckling he said 'MY wife you mean, she's on her way back, she stayed with her sister in the hospital'

'When will she be back?'

'Don't you think in more eager than you? She spent the night away from me', he said pouting

Farah laughed at him, he was a clingy husband, and well that was love for you.

They moved to the kitchen snacking and bonding since it's been long since they spent time together.

'You're the best! Mum will never allow me to take ice-cream this early in the morning'

'What can I say, I am the best', laughing and about to say something that'll bust his ego, she saw the figure of her sister in law and ran to hug her.

'So, this is why no one answered the bell, you guys were bonding without me', Hanan said feigning hurt. Looking into her best friend's eyes, Farha saw something she recognized from working in the hospital but kept her mouth shut. Hanaan, was a beauty, tall, slender and dark. She would've had a successful career as a model, but she kept declining, because of personal reasons and her husband didn't want other men to look at his wife.

'Soooooooooo, can I please talk to my wife now?' pulling apart laughing, farhaa went back to her ice-cream as her brother and his wife hugged. He was telling her something and she was giggling then he kissed her whole face.

For the first time in years, Farha felt something g she never had before. That sense of longing for something like this, confused, and wanting to give the couple a moment, she went to her room.

The purple comforter on her bed welcomed her tired body, she didn't sleep much last night as she had to wake up early. She had her own room in this house personalized to her liking. The purple and beige theme and the furniture matched to her liking. It was designed by Hanaan, she took up interior designing so she could work from home. And she is a very successful one now, which required her out on some days. She remembered how Hanaan and Abdool had an argument about it, it ended with tears, hugs and kisses.

She wanted something like that, someone to have arguments with and solve it before they sleep. But something was holding her back, she was scared. Scared of rejection. She has always been given everything and the smallest rejection will tear her apart. That's why she never asks for anything, but prefers doing it herself.

'Penny for your thoughts?' Farha looked up to see Hanaan looking at her. Laughing she sat down 'well, I expected to not see you for like 3 more hours.'

'I ran from him to come see you, we need to catch up', Abdool had sent her to come check on Farha, it wasn't like her to leave the for long, yes, sometimes she gives them space to have moments but not before teasing the hell out of the, and she also seemed off, seeing her so deep in her thoughts like that had her worried.

'Speaking of catching up, when were you planning on telling me?' Farah asked, sitting down and pulling Hanaan to her.

'Tell you what?' hanan was confused

'That you're having a baby, silly', jumping Hanaan covered her mouth and put her hand on Farha's lips shutting her up.

'Oh my God, he doesn't know, how?' Hanaan looked guilty all of a sudden, 'I just found out myself, I've had these symptoms and I didn't want to give him false hope. So I told my sister at the hospital and I had the test there'

'When are you telling him?'

'I don't know, I'm scared'

'Of what, I don't think there's anything that'll make him happier, and he loves you so much'

'Yeah I know, I'll tell him tonight' she said blushing.

Farha pinched her cheeks and started cooing and awing about how cute the baby will be and how if it's a girl shell be named Farha.

Swatting her hands away, Hanaan got serious and asked 'so what of you? What has been on your mind? I've never seen you this quiet and in thought, and you left there pretty quick'

'Nothing, I wanted to give you guys some privacy that's all'

'They should teach you to lie better in that hospital you work in, come on, don't start keeping secrets'

Farha was deep in thought, it won't be fair as she just told her hers. 'It is a boy isn't it? Hanaan interrupted.

'No, what? Maybe, I don't know', she sighed.

'What? Who is it, oh my! It's finally happened, when will I meet him? Whens the wedding? Did you tell Abdool and not tell me? I'll punish both of y...'

'No, stop, there's no man', Farha exclaimed.

'Then what is it? I'm worried', she didn't know what could possibly make Farha like that.

'I've been having these thoughts lately and just....ugh!...i think I want to get married'. And just like that, she dropped the bomb.

'Say something' she nudged her frozen besty.

'Huh, I,' Farha looked at Hanaan weirdly, she looked as if she saw a ghost, and just like that...

'Oh my God! Yes, finally, do you know how long we've been waiting for that to happen....', she slowed down as she realized Farha was looking down as if she was crying. She hugged her and said 'hey, honey, it's okay, you should be happy'

'I'm not, I'm scared'

'Of what?' when Farha continued sopping, she kept quiet and eventually rocked her to sleep.

She woke up hours later feeling fresh but when she remembered what happened she started feeling ashamed. She took a shower and went downstairs.

During dinner, they all engaged in conversation until Farha started asking her brother about how he knew he wanted to get married, how he found the right person, etc.

Abdool noticed something was off especially when his wife didn't want to make eye contact. Nonetheless, he answered all questions, asked Farha how she was feeling, and told himself to ask his wife what was up when they retired to bed, it wasn't like them to keep something from him. And thankfully, his wife couldn't keep her mouth shut.

After dinner, they all retired to sleep. Farha told them goodnight, and wished Hanaan good luck before retiring to bed. Leaving a more confused Abdool.

Well, let's just say, Abdool didn't get anything from his wife as he was too happy from the news he got. He couldn't be happier.
Are they cute or nah?

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