~Part 18~

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The ground shook for a long time, but not in the way earthquakes do. It would start for a second or two, then stop, then go again. It happened almost 5 times before it all ceased. “Those weren’t after shocks.” I say still clutching Gale.

“How do you know?” he asked quickly.

“All of them were almost equal amount of time. And usually aftershocks are worse than the initial earthquake.” I say waiting for another shake.

“Well then what was it?” Gale slowly pulls away, stepping into the hallway.

“Almost like…” I felt my face drain from expression and possibly color, “bombs.”

Gales expression was lost too. “Bombs?”

“Oh my gosh…” I put my hand over my mouth, “Do you think the colony was bombed?”

“That’s it.” Gale said rushing into his room. “I’m going to the colony.”

“Gale! It’s late! Go in the morning!” I beg.

“No.” he pulls a large duffle bag from the corner of our connected closet. “I’m going tonight. You’re staying here. It’ll be safer.”

“If you’re going, then I am too!” I stomp to my room and open the closet. I guess Gale had turned the light on, because the closet revealed TONS of girly clothes.

“You’re not going.” He says through the other side of the closet. “It’s not safe.”

“I’m not staying here by myself and going off the amount of time you’re gone to determine if you’re dead or not.” I say grabbing two tank tops and a pair of jeans. I stomp into his room and throw them into his bag.

Gale yanks them out and throws them on the bed. “HEY!” I shout.

“You’re not coming! You’re not in the condition!” He screams.

“I AM coming!” I slam my stuff in the mostly empty duffle bag. I grab a light fleece blanket and throw it in, quickly zipping it up.

“You are NOT coming!” he yells.

“WATCH me!” I throw the bag on the floor. “You’re not going to tell ME what to do! I don’t take orders from you!”

“I’m just trying to look out for you!” he exclaimed.

“Well I’m trying to look out for you!” I grab the bag and stomp out the door.

Gale and I yelled at each other the whole way to the front gate, and then we went silent mid sentence. I look over at Gale as he stares up at the gate. “Vala, promise me something.” He said, not taking his eyes off the gate.

“What is it?”

“Promise me that if ANYTHING happens,” he looks over at me, “you’ll grab someone and run.”

“Yea, sure Gale.” I lie.

Gale grabbed my shoulders with force that actually scared me. “Vala! I’m not joking! In all seriousness… if something happens, you run. You grab someone healthy and strong, and you run.”

“Okay.” I lightly lift my hands off his shoulders. “I promise.”

“Okay. Now we can leave.” Gale says, going to the gate and putting his hand in the slot. I watched as it pricks his hand and he yanks away slightly, but flattens it again.

I do the same, and soon we’re in the desert again. I tighten my ponytail and pull down my white tank top. “Lets roll.” I say, not even looking at Gale.

Gale and I didn’t talk most of the walk. He would say something, but I never answered him. I just kept walking, scolding myself the entire time.

I hated that I allowed myself to get so distracted and mixed up with Gale, that I wasn’t thinking about my colony.

It wasn’t smart at all. And I hated myself for it. Gale was a distraction and I keep forgetting that I need to FOCUS!

You are Vala Mininger, Jr. Soldier 12576. You are a warrior, BEST OF YOUR DIVISION. No time for boys. No time for distractions. Not now, not ever.

But, what about the baby?

My conscience was getting the best of me, but I knew it was right. I was an ordinary girl. I was a tough girl, but I was an ordinary girl. I was going to get distracted by boys sometimes, and other things.

I shook my head. NO. How dare I give myself so much sympathy? I AM NOT a 21st century girl. I’m not going to be an ordinary teenager like they were what seemed like forever ago. I had to be a grown up. I may only be 17, but I need to be perfect, nothing less than flawless. My plans HAVE to work. My body HAS to be in shape. My mind HAS to be focused. No excuses. No second chances.

“This is it.” Gale said, yanking me from my scolding thoughts.

“Huh?” I look up. “What do you mean?”

“Over there.” Gale pointed off in the distance where you could see a microscopic gray strip. 5 hours of travel and we could see our colony only slightly over a gentle, but long incline. It was easier when we were walking DOWN it.

“We won’t make it there tonight.” I say. “It’s too late and what good will we do if we’re exhausted? We left at a late time and never got any sleep. We need to rest… and eat.”

I stood back and felt a little pride roll through me. Look at the cold-blooded soldier thinking like a mommy, thinking about her family. “You’re right.” Gale looked almost surprised at my instinct.

He dropped the large black duffle bag and looked around for a tree. “I’ll be right back. Stay here.” He said slowly walking toward a small bush.

I watch him through the dark night as he pulls off branches when he suddenly looks up toward the colony.

“Gale?” I stand up and pull my switchblade out of my pocket. “Gale, what is it?”

He puts his hand out toward me. “Don’t move. I don’t think they can see that well in the dark.”

I felt my blood run cold. I froze in place, barely moving my mouth. “What are they?”

“I think,” Gale said in a muffled voice, “they’re wolves.”

“Wolves?” I do a swift 360 around the area. “I thought all animals were extinct.”

Gale was slowly scooting back to me so I could quiet down some more. “These aren’t regular wolves.” He says slowly, “At least… I don’t think they are.”

“What makes you say that?” I say quickly.

“They’re… red.” He says, still staring off into the distance.

“Is it…” I swallow hard, “blood?”

“I don’t think so.” He says, I heard fear in his voice, which scared me.

If Gale was scared, you should be worried. He was almost next to me now, and he pointed in the direction he saw them. There weren’t many, maybe 2 or 3. But they were big. Most wolves are only a little bigger than a large dog, but these dogs were double that. They were running toward us, in an odd zig-zag pattern which is probably why Gale thought they were blind at night, but sometimes, even animals know to run that way when something dangerous is behind them.

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