~Part 5~

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~ Part 5 ~ Vala's P.O.V ~

Today all Jr. Soldiers had time off because the Generals were doing 'plans'. That's all they told us. So we were free to roam the property which had been happening a lot lately. Training sessions were being cut short, and they've really easy and fast. Something had to be going on. Our General Officers had been out a lot lately too.. hmm. After morning bunker check, I go to the shower room.

I walk in and all the girls are still scared of me. Accept Vivien. "Hey girl!" she ran up to me and bumped me slightly.

"Uhm, hi?"

"So guess what?" she grips my arm. "You're the talk ev-er-y-where." she says excitedly.

"That's nice." I say it blandly. Because I don't really care. I'm not the gossiping type.

"Yeah, according to everyone, you're pretty badass."

"Do you mind? Like... really." I complain.

"Sorry. Forgot you're not a fan of cursing."

"No. I'm not." I walk to the low pressure area. "Now if you don't mind. I'm going to shower." I close the curtain fast.

Vivien opens the curtain. ''Why do you shower in here?"

"Privacy." I close the curtain.

She reopens it. "Why?"

I close it. "BECAUSE. I like my privacy thank you very much."

She opens it. "Why you hidin' that body of yours? You got some tattoos? Or do you think Alice is playin' for the other team too?"

I close it. "Just privacy. Now go away."

"All female Jr. Soldiers are asked to please report to the mess hall now." The announcement rang clear over the P.A. system.

All the girls filed one by one out of the shower room and out of their cabins to the mess hall. I generally walk alone other than a few girls congratulating me on beating the snot out of Violet. Everyone fills in, we do roll call, then the General Officer starts to talk.

"I must admit I was very dissappointed in my Jr. Female Soldiers when this was reported. There was vandalism found on the West wall." she scolded. I let out a breath of relief the hole I found was on the South wall. ''The 'art' was extremely innapropriate and will be washed off immediently. We know where the drama has been lately so we have some leads, but we are giving you a chance to own up. If you own up, your punishment will be cut in half. You are dissmissed."

Drama lately? I guess that includes fighting girls. Great. That means I'm on the suspect list.


"So Vala." Violet bumps me. "Why'd you write those nasty things on the West wall?"

"Are you that stupid? I beat you so bad yet you come back for more." I throw my head back and exaggerate a laugh.

"Now I wouldn't be a very good bully if I backed off from a fight now would I?" she twirls her hair. "Besides, I got a couple good hits into our last fight."

"Hits?" I laugh again. "They were petty little girl slaps! And considering my red marks went away, yet you are still bandaged and having checks with the doctor.... I think I won that fight. Now leave me alone before I black your other eye."

"Are you threatening me?" she puts a hand on her chest.



''Vala Mininger. Please report to Head Generals office. Thank you that is all." The P.A. system announced.

Gale looks at me confused. I just shrug and confidently walk to the office. They probably think I did the stupid graffiti. I approach the dark green building and the door opens before I get to it. "Vala Miniger?"

"Who else would be walking to the General Officer door free will?" I ask cockily. The guard puts his arm in front of the door.

"I didn't ask for the attitude ma'am. Soldier number."

"Vala Mininger soldier 12576." I state blandly.

He moves and I walk in the door. The two head General Officers were standing there. The boys and the girls. "Vala please take a seat." The female officer said.

"Look, I don't know what I'm here for exactly, but I didn't do that stupid graffiti." I protest.

"Mmmm. That's not why you're here, but I guess that's good to know." The male officers says.

"Actually we called you in because we know you found the hole on the South wall. And I'm sorry to say that we're going to have to take action about that." the woman said.

"Well maybe you guys should fill it in." I scold.

The male officer takes a breath. "Look, bottom line is nobody can find out about it. And we're going to let you chose. You can go through mind swipe or execution."

I clear my hair out of my face. "Wait. What?!"

"I'm sorry Vala." The female says unsympathetically. "But you've seen to much and we can't take that chance."

"Wait so I can either die or lose every memory I have ever had?!" I stand up and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Sorry Vala."

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