Dante: Chapter ten

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Dante opened his eyes, snuggled up in Y/n's chest. He looked up and smiled seeing his boyfriend's sleeping face. He tried to kiss his jaw, but he couldn't reach it so he just kissed his shoulder. Y/n just nuzzled Dante's hair and sighed in content. Dante chuckled at that, making sure to not to make too much noise.

-So cute. – he whispered and tried to get out of Y/n's grip but t only tightened around him.

-Stop wiggling around. – said Y/n with his eyes closed.

-I have to go to the bathroom. – pouted Dante.

Y/n only groaned at his words and let go of him. Dante got out of the bed and left Y/n's room, while Y/n rolled on his stomach and nuzzled the pillow. He wasn't pleased with the lack of Dante in his bed, so he only huffed in annoyance and got up. He put on the pants and his favorite black shirt. He walked out of his room buttoning it up and headed to the kitchen for food. He let the button on his collar undone and opened the fridge. Unpleased with the lack of any Italian food he closed the fridge and grabbed the phone.

-Yeah, the usual, no olives. – he said. – Thanks.

After ordering pizza he went to the living room and plopped down on the couch. He took the controller in his hand and started playing one of his games until the pizza arrived. He got it from the delivery man and paid up, then he put the food on the desk.

-Dante, the pizza's here! – he yelled and opened his box. Dante got dressed quickly after the shower he took and ran out of the bathroom as fast as he could. Y/n chuckled at Dante's eagerness as he ate his pizza. – Someone's hungry.

-I have to regain my strength after nights with you. – answered Dante and winked at his boyfriend making him chuckle louder. They kept eating in silence until Y/n looked up at the ceiling before he spoke up.

-Dante, marry me. – he said making Dante choke. He kept coughing until he regained his breath.

-Where did that idea come from? – he asked looking at his boyfriend.

-I love you, you love so let's get married. – Y/n's shrugged and finished his pizza as if that was just another discussion about food or games. – So?

-If that's supposed to be a proposal then at least get me a nice sword or something. – muttered Dante and took another bite of his pizza. Y/n grinned after hearing that.

-Anything you want sugar. – he said. Y/n kissed Dante's cheek clearly pleased with that answer.

Time skip

-And that's all? – asked Lady. Trish and her visited the boys after Dante called her and said that Y/n proposed to him. How he told her how did that happen.

-Yeah. – nodded Dante and took a sip of his drink.

-Where's the ring? Where's the fancy dinner? – she looked at him and started bragging. Trish on the other hand only gave Y/n a pat on the shoulder and that was all. She didn't make any comments, she was more amused with Lady's bragging.

-What for? – asked Dante. – That would be so freaking awkward if he did something like that. I wouldn't know what to do or how to act.

Dante shrugged and leaned back against Y/n's chest with no interest in what was Lady talking about. Y/n wrapped his arms around Dante's waist with a smile on his face. Still Lady was bragging about the lack of respect he showed to Dante, so he took it upon himself to stop it.

-Lady my dear, shouldn't you be planning the ceremony and all? – he asked shutting her up. – Please take care of the stuff humans do on the weddings. I'm pretty sure Trish will be able to take care of the demon ceremony part.

-Sure. – said the blondie demon, while Lady was still thinking about what Y/n said to her few seconds ago.

-So Lady. – smiled Y/n. – What's gonna be?

-Okay you asshole. – she groaned at the charming smile he gave her. – We will organize your wedding.

-Perfect. – grinned Y/n and kissed Dante's temple.

-You always get what you want, don't you? – asked Trish.

-Of course I do. – he answered nuzzling Dante's neck.

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